eyes talk

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Y/n pov:

"Dude I didn't think you had it in you." I say opening the door for Jenna. "Me neither." she says quietly. we start walking to our houses. " You know you don't have to feel pressured now after our talk." I say noticing the tension between us. " Stop doubting my decisions I told you I don't wanna be friends with them anymore." Jenna says. "alright you're right but its kind of weird that you are doing it all now after I told you I forgave you, don't you think?" I ask her.

"I mean I get where you are coming from but trust me Y/n I want you." She pauses looking at me. "I want us to be friends again." She says more like asking. I nod at her surprised. We continue walking. " I didn't know I would have this overwhelming fear of messing this up again." Jenna says breaking the silence her fingers pointing between us. I sling my arm over her shoulder in a comforting way hoping I'm not pushing anything. " Nah you got this, We got this. I told you I'm here to help and B can't shut up about you so you don't have to worry about fitting in." I reassure her with a smile. Jenna smiles grabbing my hand that was hanging over her shoulder giving it a squeeze before letting go. "Thank you Y/n." she thanks me I give her another smile before retrieving my arm that was now in my pocket the other gripping my skateboard.

As we arrive at our street we spot our moms talking in the middle of the road. we share a look before going over over to them. "Ah look who is back from school." My mom engulfs me in a hug before doing the same with Jenna Natelie as well.

"What are you guys doing on the middle of the road?" I ask slinging my arm around my mom kissing her cheek. " We caught each other while we were throwing away the trash, we were thinking about going over to the Ortegas on the weekend for a dinner." My mom tells me making me nod at her. "Oh already again?" Jenna says surprised. " Well we just realized that we missed the daily talks and dinner's we used to have like before." Natalie explains. Kinda reminding to the situation with Jenna. I glance at her seeing her already look at me reading her face I know she is thinking the same thing. "Talking about that what even made us stop?" My mom asks Natalie making them get back into a convo leaving me and Jenna bored just next to them, us occasionally sharing a look before focusing on something else. I sigh deciding to make a move and start a convo with her.

I didn't know it could be this weird talking with someone you grew up with but drifted apart with as well. I take a step to her, her doing the same. "So I guess everything is going back to how it was." Jenna jokes showing off her nice white teeth. I chuckle at that "Yeah I guess so." I reply. I scratch the back of my neck not knowing why I'm nervous. "It is supposed rain tomorrow morning if you want I can give you a ride." I offer. Making her nod at that. "That would be nice because I know for sure my ride with Alisha is cancelled." She says. "Do you think I could hangout with you guys tomorrow I'm sure Alisha never wants to talk to me ever again knowing she's sensitive." she asks unsure of my answer.

"Of course, you don't have to ask Jenna." I reassure her the second time today. I'm happy this is all working out but deep down something is still bothering me. I wish id knew what. "But I'm warning you my friends don't know boundaries so get ready to get your personal space invaded." I tell her trying to ease her nerves after noticing she's nervous. I earn a laugh from her, making me laugh along. "Alright well I'm gonna head inside got practice in a few hours." I say unsure if I should hug her or not but that thought slipping right off as I feel her arms around my stomach my arms automatically wrapping around her waist. we both pull away I say a quick goodbye to Natalie and getting into the house.

My nose immediately filling with the smell of tacos. I drop my bag washing my hands quickly and sit down on the dining table. Getting served some tacos from my grandma. I compliment the food making her kiss my cheek, before I take a bite. I moan as the taste fills my mouth. I finish off my plate rather quickly and head to my room.

I pull out my phone opening the messages with my friend group.

Y/n: 'Jenna is gonna hangout with us tomorrow is that okay for you guys?' I text.

B: 'Oh damn how did that happen so fast and yes you don't gotta ask.'

Dre: '^'

Chels:' ^^ For real can't wait for the love story.'

I roll my eyes at that text typing away.

Y/n: ' In your dreams chels.' I reply closing my phone.

getting my homework out and start studying until I have to get ready.


I get in my car putting on a random playlist before heading to practice. Enjoying the sunset while a million thoughts go through my head. I park my car meeting B halfway through the parking lot. we head to the locker rooms together. "So Jenna huh?" B asks starting a convo. "What about her?" I reply. "What do you mean 'what about her'." she says mocking my voice. "Are you friends again?" she asks me nudging my shoulder. "I guess so." I say before explaining to her what happened in P.E.

"Damn aint no way she did that." B says shocked making me nod at her. "My reaction as well." I tell her pushing the locker room door open seeing our teammates getting changed. We do the same before heading to the court picking up balls and warming up.

We work on our defence going through some plays multiple times making sure we get it. Before moving on to ball movement playing a little game. Having to pass the ball around 10 times before shooting is not as easy as you think. to finish of practice we ended up playing some street ball our coach allowing us to listen to music while doing so since we put good effort into todays practice.

My team ends up winning, coach blowing the whistle letting us know practice is over. "Y/n not so quick." I hear coach yell back at me making me stop in my step jogging over to her. "Good improvement y/n, no turnovers today." She tells me surprised. "Yeah, thank you coach." I say earning a pat on the shoulder from her. I smile at that since coach isn't usually the type of person to show any affection, but deep down we all know she loves us like her own. she lets me go. I wish her a good night before heading to the lockers. Like usual we shower and get dressed talking over todays practice and what we could do better.

"Lowkey excited for tomorrow." Dre says. making me give her a confused look. "I mean don't get me wrong but Jenna is smoking hot and now she'll hang out with us." She says smiling. Chels smacks her in the head with her fingers earring a wince from Dre. I laugh shaking my head at them. "Well please do not embarrass her we gotta go easy on her until she gets used to us." I ask them. "Yeah don't worry Y/n we won't mess up the bond with your crush." B says a grin on her face. "shut up she's not my crush." I say rolling my eyes. "Yeah and I'm white." she responds laughing. making the others to laugh along. I just shake my head at them before we all leave to our cars, Chelsea getting a car ride from Dre this time. I drive the 10 minute road with no music only wanting my bed right now. I park my car getting out noticing Jenna's Bedroom lights open. I try to find my keys and unlock the door. Quickly taking off my shirt and pants leaving me in only boxers I brush my teeth and do my night routine. I pull the blanket over me closing my eyes the buzz of my phone interrupting my attempt to sleep.

I pick it up seeing a message from a unknown number.

'Hey it's Jenna, is 8:15 okay for tmr? Ofc only if you are still wanting to give me a ride to school.'

I save the contact glancing out from my window seeing Jenna in her bed her lights set to purple.

'Hey yeah that's perfect. Goodnight' I reply instantly getting a response.

Jenna: 'okay goodnight.'

I put my phone away once again closing my eyes before drifting away to a comfortable and much needed sleep.


you don't know I'm admiring you from afar.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now