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Y/n POV:

"stay in the car i'll text you okay?" I let Jenna know reaching to the back getting my gear. She nods giving me a peck on the lips.

I get into the locker rooms my teammates greeting me.

"So Y/n you planning on asking Jenna to the summer ball fest?" Dre asks. "Since when does our school have a summer ball fest?" I ask getting into my jersey. "Dude you gotta ask her its in a month already. chels already asked me." She grins grabbing her by the neck and kissing her lips. B makes a gagging noise making me laugh. "What about you B you gonna ask someone out?" I ask tying my basketball shoes. "mhmm I don't really know we'll see." She replies fixing her hair. I grab my water bottle and phone heading into the gym. "Yo coach?" I yell the loud echo from the gym door closing spreading around the whole court. "I was going to ask if my girlfriend could watch todays practice is that okay?" I ask with a smile making her eyes roll. "So that's what's been distracting you huh?" Coach teases me, making my smile drop.

"Yeah she can but if you get distracted or try to show off she's off understand?" She says sternly throwing a ball at me. I nod and thank her pulling out my phone texting her. I put my phone under the bench as my teammates start filling the court.

"Alright team we are gonna work on reaction time today and cardio." Coach explains some exercises with the assistant coach. I was so focused that I didn't notice Jenna sitting on the bleachers paying attention to the whole exercise. "Get into two groups." Coach whistles. We take a while to get into our groups. I was with B. "wow that was painful to watch." My coach yells " I tell you we are gonna work on our reaction time and here we are, already taking 10 minutes off the practice because your asses can't decide on a partner?"Coach complains sternly leaving us silent. She looks around before blowing her whistle again. We both grab a tennis ball and a basketball. B up first. "Alright lets go!" Coach says walking around the court looking at our skills.

"don't stop until I blow the whistle understand? If I see someone take a quick break that's 2 laps around the court for everyone." B dribbles the basketball as I shoot her the tennis ball back and forth to her she looses the ball a couple times groaning. The loud whistle was heard making us immediately change roles. "Thats what I like to see fast reaction is key to a good basketball chemistry." Coach says beside us. "Ay girlfriend get over here!" Coach shouts at Jenna making me look at her confused earning a tennis ball to the face I wince grabbing my cheek seeing Jenna walk over shyly. " distract Y/n as much as you can, if she looses focus thats laps around the court. "What coach no thats unfair!" I try to talk back at her. "I'm sorry did I hear something?" Coach asks me raising her eyebrows making me shut up passing the tennis ball back to B before glancing at Jenna. She stands behind B I nod at B letting her know she should start. As soon as the tennis ball hits my hand I pass it right back.

"Y/n remember what happened earlier?" Jenna begins with a smirk. I let out a chuckle shaking my head focusing on the drill. "You're not gonna get me Jenna." I say continuing to dribble the ball. "It felt so good." She blurts out making my jaw drop. "Damn y'all fucking already?" B says shocked. "Dawg shut up and play the ball." I shout making both of them jump. "that was hot." Jenna retorts, making me chuckle again. "I won't budge trust me." I say glancing at her for a second before focusing my eyes on the bright green ball again. "What was it with your coach calling me girlfriend anyway?" Jenna ignores my remark. At that Coach blows her whistle twice calling the drill to an end. "Nice try." I say to Jenna pecking her lips as she heads back to the bleachers I slap her ass from the back earning a glare from her.


"Dude I hate cardio." Chels whines as we enter the locker rooms. We were all a sweaty and breathy mess I drop myself on the bench my chest rising up and down frequently. "Who doesn't?" I say taking off my jersey. I soft knock was heard from behind the door. "Can I come in?" revealing Jenna. "If you wanna suffocate from the smell of our sweats yeah sure." Dre says taking her jersey off out of breath. Jenna gets in scrunching her nose up from the smell sitting beside me. "It smells like a teenage boys room up in here." She says making all of us let out a small laugh. "uhm just so you know we shower in here, just a small heads up." I say quietly to her. She raises her eyebrows at that surprised. "I'll wait here." She says handing me my towel from the bag I take off my shoes and shorts feeling her eyes on my front. I smirk heading to the shower. Taking off my boxers and bra throwing it out from the shower. I sigh as the cold water hits my skin. " Are you gonna ask her out?" B asks me quietly handing me the soap. "I don't know you know i'm not really that type of person to go to stuff like that." I reply lathering up the soap in my hands. "We almost did it today." I blurt out. B looks at me surprised "I thought you guys were going to take it slow." " yeah I thought so too but we can't control each other, when we're together it's like all the tension that was built up over these years are taking over us." I say rinsing off the soap. "Maybe you just have to let out the tension and it'll be normal." B suggest making me think about it.

" I forgot how much responsibility there is in a relationship." I rub my temples stressed. "it'll be okay y/n don't worry too much or you will destroy yourself again." I nod at her wrapping the towel around my body getting back to the locker rooms. I softly smile at Jenna silently asking for her to close her eyes so I can change. I put on my hoodie my damp curly hair staining the soft cloth. Jenna helps packing my bag putting the dirty clothes on one side and my shoes on the other. I swing the bag over my shoulder. "Ready to go?" I ask Jenna interlacing our hands together she nods with a big smile. We say our goodbye's to the team heading to my car. The car consisted of Jenna rambling about the article she is writing for the school paper and me listening to her focusing on the road occasionally smiling at her. "Don't you think that'll be a good idea babe?" getting me out of my thoughts. "Huh yeah definitely." I say swallowing my own spit. "Is everything okay? you seem kinda off." Jenna asks grabbing my hand that was resting on the clutch. "Im okay just really tired from practice." I lie not wanting to ruin her good mood. She mumbles at that staying silent the rest of the car ride. playing with my fingers while looking out the window adoring the night sky. "You are effortlessly beautiful." I say looking at her. Her cheeks grow red as she is now focused on me. "thank you." She says "You are too." she compliments back. making me let out a chuckle thanking her.

it was obvious she wasn't used to getting compliments but i'm trying to change that. I park my car in front of my house turning my body towards Jenna. "see you tomorrow at 8?" She asks me. "Actually I'm not going to be in school tomorrow my grandma is leaving so I took the day off to bring her to the airport." I let her know. Earning a nod from her. "I can pick you up from school if you'd like." I say making her nod again. "That would be nice." She says smiling softly. "Tell your grandma goodbye from me okay." I nod at her. Both of us getting out of the car. "Goodnight mi amor." I say pecking her lips hugging her. "Goodnight mi amor." she says repeating my nickname for her. I watch her get into the house but she stops and turns toward me blowing a kiss before closing the door.

I smile to myself heading to my room.


"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts."

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now