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Y/n POV:

Monday 7:23 A.M.

I breathe in the fresh air as the sounds of birds chirping fill my ears. Right on que I see Jenna across the street getting out of her house. I smile approaching her. She copies my actions as we share a short but sweet kiss. "Good morning, you ready for school again?" Jenna asks intertwining our hands together. "how about we go to the beach instead?" I ask half serious. Jenna just rolls her eyes at me. "Y/n you have to attend classes if you wanna get a scholarship I don't want you failing." Jenna scolds me. I let out an annoyed groan. "I just wanna stay home and do what I want." I complain. "You can do that when you're retired." Jenna replies sternly. I just sigh rubbing my forehead getting stressed. Jenna glances at me stopping us in the middle of the road. "Look babe I know it isn't easy but it's not gonna be good in the long run if you continue to miss classes. I'm here for you you know that and i'm with you every step of the way." Jenna says with a smile inching closer to me caressing my cheek. I nod at her she's right.

I kiss her thanking her. "i'm having such a headache." I say as we continue walking to school. "I think I have some spare Advil in my bag." She says. When we arrive to the school Jenna stops in front of her locker looking through her bag. "Here." Jenna says handing me a Advil and her water bottle. I take the painkiller and hand Jenna back her water bottle. Our hands touch for a brief second. "Why is your hand so cold?" Jenna says worried grabbing my hand feeling the cold. I shrug opening my locker. She puts her hand against my forehead checking my temperature. I chuckle grabbing her hand off my forehead. "Relax Jen i'm fine." I laugh. "I'm probably still exhausted from Saturday." I try to reassure her, going through my locker. Jenna just leans against the other lockers waiting for me to finish.

"Let's go." I say grabbing her hand walking her to class. I kiss her head letting go of her hand. "I'll see you at lunch." Jen says smiling at me. "Drink enough water." She says quickly before getting into class. I slowly head to my own class sitting in the back. Wanting this day to be over already. I take all the notes through first and second period heading to the cafeteria now. I plop down across from Jenna getting everyone else at our table. "feeling better?" Jenna asks me first thing. I sigh nodding at her. "Just feel really exhausted." I say. "Dang Y/n you look dead." B says approaching us. I chuckle at her response pulling out my sandwich from my bag. We start eating talking about random stuff. " Yo B I don't think i'm gonna go to practice today." I say rubbing my forehead. " What no you have to come y/n practice is ass without you." She complains with a loud noise making me close my eyes shot as a piercing pain gets into my head. I hear B grow quiet seeing the state I'm in. "You alright?" B asks me worried touching my shoulder. I hear some shuffling and a hand press against my forehead, just by the touch I know it's Jenna. "Y/n look at me." Jenna says. I sigh looking at her. "You have to go the nurse." She says. I groan at that "I'm fine it's just a headache." I complain. "just a headache y/n be for real you look dead." B adds.

"I'm fine." I say annoyed shutting both of them down. I grab my things. "I think I'm gonna go home." I say standing up. Jenna immediately stands up with me. "I'll walk you." She says grabbing my hand not allowing me to decline her offer.

I let her lead the way walking behind her. "We are going to my house." Jenna says breaking our comfortable silence.

I jump on her bed the bedsheets smelling like her. I turn to my back seeing Jenna setting her bag down. She smirks slightly getting on top of me. I smile at her kissing her deeply. We start to make out our breaths getting heavy. "Wait." Jenna says stopping. "Should we be really doing this with the headache you have?" She asks biting her lip. "Your kisses cure my headache." I say kissing her again. "Y/n I'm serious." She says against my lips with a laugh. She pulls apart. "You have to rest and I'm not playing around you're gonna take nap right now and i'm gonna go cook some soup for you." She says getting off of me. She stops at the doorframe looking back at me. "But this doesn't end here." She says with a smirk before leaving downstairs.

I swear to god this woman drives me crazy. I get comfy in her bed taking off my hoodie and let sleep take over me.


"Y/n." I hear faintly. "Y/n." I hear again more clear. "Babe!" I hear now loudly making me wake up. I see Jenna in front of me with a bowl in her hand. "What." I say sleepy. "Sit up straight and have your soup." She says sitting next to me. "Soup in bed gawd I love you." I say taking the hot bowl from her hands. She laughs at my comment resting her hands on my thigh. I sigh in satisfaction as I feel the warm liquid go down my throat. "How's your head?" she asks me. "better, don't worry it was just a stupid headache." I say eating my soup. "Well if you say so." Jenna says with a sigh. I finish the bowl of soup and thank her for the food. "Are we still home alone?" I ask. Jenna mumbles a yeah, before realising why I asked. She rolls her eyes with a slight smirk turning on some music before getting on top of me.

"You know if you're not in the mood we don't have t-" I try to say but get stopped by a pair of soft lips onto mine. I sigh into the kiss squeezing her hips. The passionate making out quickly turns aggressive and we found ourselves undressed in each other arms. Jenna was waiting for me to put on a condom while she seductive looks up to me. I put the condom on in a swift move closing my eyes in satisfaction. Jenna bites her lip sitting up kissing me hard I kiss back my hands resting on her back. I harshly turn her to her back catching her off guard, earning a small whimper from her. She arches her back looking back to me her lips between her teeth her eyes low as ever. I tease her by softly gliding my fingers against her folds. She takes a heavy breath closing her eyes by the contact grinding against my fingers.

"Fuck me already." She moans out, at that I slide in my member without warning both of us letting out a loud moan. I start thrusting in and out of her our breaths growing heavier and heavier. I gather her hair pulling her back to me. Her hand finds my neck as our bodies were pressed against each other. I leave open mouthed kisses on her neck the sound of her moans getting me closer every second. "Oh my god." Jenna moans out leaning against me her other hand starts simulating her clit. I groan as she arches her back allowing my dick to get deeper inside of her. "fuck you're so hot." I whisper against her ear slapping her butt thrusting into her reapeatietly. I throw my head back of the sensation letting Jenna do all the work. "I'm close." I say shutting my eyes closed. She grabs my head forcing eye contact. "I want you to look at me as you cum into me." She moans her eyes low. At that I release my load moaning loudly. As the sound of my heavy breathing and moans fill Jenna's ears she cum's with me, making us a loud mess. We calm down from our high plopping on the bed Jenna immediately clinging into my body. "I love you." She rasps other warm breath hitting my neck. I play with her hair. "I love you." I say. kissing her temple.

I get my vape out inhaling a big drag before exhaling. Jenna lifts her head smiling at me snatching my vape and hitting it herself. "Ohhh nice flavour." She mumbles out. I chuckle at her grabbing the vape from her. I take one more hit throwing it on the edge of the bed.

"Hit the shower?" I ask getting up. she nods getting up as well leading me to the shower. I slap her nude ass making her let out a squeal slapping my arm in return making us both laugh.


like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now