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Y/n pov:

I groan hitting my alarm reading 6:30 A.M. I rub off the sleep in my eyes and go to the bathroom splashing my face with cold water. I go through my closet choosing sweatpants and a white shirt. Mondays are always so hard on me I let out a sigh grabbing my hair clip and putting my hair up leaving a few strands at the front complimenting the look, putting on some deodorant and perfume, i'm done and with a swift I grab my bag and head downstairs. seeing breakfast ready I immediately sit down and eat the whole plate in 5 minutes. I thank my grandma quickly brushing my teeth before running out the door. Afraid i'll be late even tho I had plenty of time. I put on my headphones deciding to walk since it's just a 15 minute walk.

I try to look for a good song walking slowly pressing 'Again' by Noah Cyrus and Xxxtentacion. I put the volume up and put my phone back in my pocket. the feeling of walking while the sunrises and having music is amaz- I feel one of my AirPods taken out of my ear making me jump my eyes moving to see what it was being met with those beautiful brown eyes. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask angrily to Jenna. she smiles at me before putting the AirPods in carefully listening to the song I was playing. she looks at me with the same smile "nice choice." she says starting to walk the music now playing for the both of us. I stop in my steps huffing throwing my arms in the air before running over to her.

We silently walk beside each other the only thing being heard was what ever music was playing and the morning birds chirping. As we near our school and already see students in the area I was looking for my friends but giving up when I didn't spot them. a hand stops me making me look down her hand with the AirPod I grab it our hands touching I look at her seeing her with a hard expression "count to 10 before walking to school." She says as her feet move towards the building. I don't say anything and mumble a what the fuck to myself before heading to school. I see her with her minions giving me stares making me roll my eyes and walk behind them to my friend group. I dap everyone up.

"Something wrong Y/n you look different." B says furrowing her eyebrows. I do the same at her with a confused expression seeing chels and Dre slowly nod their heads. "what?" I say earning raised eyebrows from all 3. I roll my eyes "fine, I don't know what she's up to but Jenna has been mad nice to me since the last hangout." I let out. "And just now she walked with me to school and then made me stop and left told me to fucking wait a bit before I start walking again." I ramble. "Yo chill Y/n maybe she wants to be friends again." B says calming me down "Yeah I mean she wasn't too bad at the hangout Dre was worse." Chels jokes earning a slap from Dre. "fuck already."me and B say at the same time. We laugh at that making our way to the entrance. "I don't know man why now tho." I ask still doubting about the whole situation. "Maybe she just realized her mistake." B says before punching my shoulder heading to class. I shake my head heading to my locker to get my English books.

on top of my books there was a note that looked like it been shoved through the gap of my locker. I look around me before opening it.

"Meet me at the broken stone behind the parking lot after school."


my eyes widen at the name. I crumble the note and throw it into my locker grabbing my things and heading to class. I purposely sit in the back of the class laying my head on the table why is this woman doing all this right when I just healed from a hole . I bang my head once on the table huffing, she drives me insane.

classes went by fast luckily. I immediately sat at our spot at the cafeteria waiting for the others. After some time of waiting B, Chels and Dre came to the table. we get along the best from the team properly because we're in the same grades. We all get our lunches. Coach believes food is key to a good court performance so she advised us to bring lunch from home, which actually isn't too bad of an idea since the school lunch here is shit. We start eating in silence I look at everyone before throwing the crumbled note in the middle of the table. "what's that." Dre asks.

"open it." I say simply shoving food in my mouth. Her eyes widen before handing it to the others. they look all up to me with a smirk. "enemies to lovers:" Chels says with a proud smile.

"Shut up." I groan rolling my eyes, "So what should I do just go?" I ask. "Please go." B says, "Like I said before I really think she means it in a good way Y/n isn't this what you wanted?" She asks me making me sigh knowing she's right. "Alright I'll go, but I'll tell her I'm not gonna deal with her bullshit 'hide our friendship bc of my friends' act. If she really means it good then she should do it the right way."

we continue eating, some students passing us by and congratulating us on the win. I get off early to use the bathroom before class. opening the door I see Jenna and her minions in front of the mirror touching up their make up. I catch Jenna's eyes off the mirror for a second before she quickly focused on her lipstick. I go into the first stall lifting up the toilet seat. While I'm peeing I hear a chuckle from one of them "Why is she even in the women's bathroom, she has a dick so she's basically a man." she says loud enough for me to hear making the others to laugh along surprisingly I don't hear Jenna's laugh, making me smile a bit. I flush the toilet walking over to them. silently asking them to move so I can wash my hands. i look at them through the mirror before closing the water tab and flicking my fingers at their faces small water drops hitting their face. Earning screeches and screams making me smile, satisfied I leave the bathroom heading to class. The last class of the day was arts which is the most chill subject I don't remember the last time we took a test. Did we even take one? I shake my head dropping my bag into an open seat next to Hailee. We never talk only share smiles throughout class or ask for whatever pen we need. I don't know why people find her awkward she's actually pretty nice.


I smile at Hailee earning a small bye from her as we separate our ways. I sigh my feet taking me to the broken stone I see students storm the hallways everyone desperately wanting to go home.

As I'm out the doors I take a deep breath the fresh summer air filling my senses. As I get closer to the stone I see her petite silhouette leaning against it focused on her phone. She closes her phone as soon as she hears my foot steps. "So you came." Jenna says smiling at me. "Yeah I did why'd ask?" I tell her more, than ask. she just looks at me handing me her AirPod. "So we can walk home together." She simply says turning her back to me making me follow her. like in the morning we don't talk and just enjoy the music. 'glad he's gone' by Tove lo was playing softly I glance at her noticing her side profile is picture perfect. I look to the ground our houses in sight.

We stop at our road I hand her her AirPod "Nice songs." I compliment her getting a bright smile from her. "Same thing tomorrow?" She asks. I look at her scratching the back of my neck, I clear my throat

"No." I say bluntly afraid of her reaction.

Her smile vanishes quickly making my heart break a little.

"What." She says confused.

"I mean yeah I'd love to but I don't wanna play your hiding game Jen, either you treat me like a human being, and like ur not ashamed to be seen with me or this was the last time we shared AirPods." I say tightening my lips. hoping her answer will be the one I wanted to hear for years now.

She just looks at me lost, her gaze slowly moving to the floor fidgeting with her fingers. I wait a bit hoping she'll just say something but she doesn't. I scuff shaking my head "I knew it." I say pure disappointment in my voice. walking to my house wishing I'll hear her voice call me back but it never happens. I shut the door closed leaning against it I sigh loudly taking a deep breath. "Is everything okay?" I jump at the voice seeing my mom in front of me "Ah mom I didn't even see you." I say awkwardly rushing to my room. a soft knock interrupts my thoughts. "can I come in?" my mom asks her voice muffled from the door. I collect myself before telling her to come in.

"I saw you and Jenna on the road everything alright between you too?" her fingers tucking a loose strand behind my ear. 'damn kitchen window' I think to myself. I look at her thinking if I just should tell her everything, she looks at me with a worried look making me let out a cry. she immediately engulfs me into her arms as my cries turn into sobs. telling her everything in between. Until I got so tired from crying that I ended up sleeping my mom by my side.

'is this still the process of healing?'

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now