is that a yes?

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Y/N PoV:

"shit I can't find my shoes." I say throwing clothes everywhere getting prepared for my game today. "Babe they are literally on you?" Jenna says with a face, making me look down at my feet.  "Shit i'm just really nervous for some reason." I lie wiping my forehead. Me and B arranged a little surprise for Jenna I was gonna ask her out to the ball fest in front of everyone, but thats only if we win the game. If we end up loosing id have to arrange everything differently. Jenna stands up making me stop my movements. She looks up at me holding my neck. "Stop being nervous think of it like every other game I know you will score this game." She says I peck her lips thanking her without words. "Oh here wear my jersey to the game?" I say with a smile. holding my away jersey up. She cracks a smile taking the jersey away from my hands putting it over her crop top.

it's been a couple of days since the day me and Jenna got together. although I didn't go to school the next day wanting to focus on myself she came over and we had a sweet movie night.

I head downstairs grabbing my bag with my gear in it opening the door for Jenna. Who had her camera around her neck, ready to take pictures for our High school's social media. I drive down to the gym seeing students enter the gym along with some parents. My phone buzzes twice as I was focused on parking my car. "Who is it." I ask Jenna allowing her to look who wrote me. She grabs my phone. "Your mom she's wishing you good luck on the game." I nod at her turning the engine off grabbing my phone from her hands quickly replying before getting out grabbing my bag and opening the door for Jenna. As soon as we are out of the car Jenna interlocks our fingers together making me look down at her with a smile. We walk in greeted by the loud noises from the audience in the gym. "Alright I'll see you on the court mi amor." I say kissing her temple.

She gives me a peck on the lips before heading to the bleachers. I head to the locker seeing everyone busy getting ready. perks on getting ready at home. I put on my headphones blaring some music to set me into the vibe before dribbling the ball under my legs. coach barges in making us all jump. "Let's go." She shouts. As we run to the court the audience grows louder making the rival team roll their eyes. I signal one of the assistant coaches to pass the ball in the air jumping to the rim and slam dunking the ball into the net. laughing as I hear someone hitting bells at that in the audience.

We start our warm ups I spot Jenna on courtside earning a little wave from her. I wave back resting my hand on my hip. " damn y/n you got it bad." B says from behind me passing a ball to me. "Shut up." I say shortly before shooting the ball. The blow off the whistle gets our attention letting us teammates gather around on our bench. like always coach tells us the first play of the match. "Alright let's see if all the cardio we did is gonna be in use." she says letting the starting 5 off to the court.

it was halftime and the team has been giving us a hard time. "We definitely underestimated the rival team." Coach says stressed pacing around the locker room. she rubs her temples stopping in her tracks. "We are gonna do Ayala." she lets out making us jump excited. Ayala is a play style we made up when we were bored in practice and somehow coach managed to take it into the game allowing us to just play without plays and only chemistry between the teammates.

like thought we took the rival team by surprise making us easily score basket after basket. Almost everyone from the rival team got dunked on by us leaving them embarrassed. only couples seconds left on the final quarter I dribble the ball standing on my spot not wanting to embarrass them more I wait until the shot clock buzzes dropping the ball on the floor teammates immediately celebrating hyping the crowd up. I earn pats on my back from everyone I head to B "You ready?" she asks me. I nod grabbing the flowers and the sign I made that asked Jenna to go to the ball fest with me. B tries to distract Jenna as I get behind her nodding to B saying I'm all set she points behind her making Jenna frown looking back to where she was pointing. Her hands cover her mouth surprised she lets out a big smile making me smile at her laughing at the situation as people start to notice what's going on. She walks over to me hugging me tightly making me kiss her lips quickly handing her the flowers. "Is that a yes?" I ask happily just earning a slap from Jenna for making this in public. she quickly leans into my shoulder hugging me tightly. "Yes it's a yes." she laughs pecking my lips. We share the sweet moment for a while until we start celebrating the win again. There will definitely be a party since it's Friday.  We head to the lockers learning from our past behaviour we stay quiet and get changed the locker door opens getting our attention revealing coach with a serious face she cracks a smile at us "you were good." She says making us all celebrate with her as she laughs it off "Get some rest." she shouts before going out. I grab my duffel bag and see Jenna waiting for me near the exit she looks up smiling making me do the same. I grab her hand giving her a short kiss. "you wanna go to that party?" I ask starting my car.

"yeah why not we have something to celebrate." She says taking my hand that was resting on the gear. I bring her hand to my lip giving it a quick kiss and driving us home to get ready. I wait for Jenna to get ready observing her from the mirror as she was curling her hair, soft music playing in the background. She smiles at me from the mirror. We enjoy the silence between us.

I was focused on my phone feeling the bed dip a little. Jenna hovers over me grabbing my chin and giving me a kiss. This gets my attention as I sit up with her on my lap now. "You look beautiful." I say caressing her cheek. she looks at me with low eyes before crashing her lips onto mine. taking me by surprise I quickly kiss back. She starts to rock her hips against my crotch letting out a moan which gave me the opportunity to shove my tongue inside her mouth and explore. as our tongues were fighting for dominance Jenna becomes louder as she feels my dick growing hard. I let out a heavy breath breaking our kiss. she pulls me by my collar giving yet another passionate kiss before getting up and reaching her hand out to me. "We don't wanna miss the party." Jenna says with a smirk. i look at her in disbelief for teasing me letting her lead me down to my car I stare at her ass giving it a small slap. Jenna looks back at me giggling causing me to chuckle a bit. I drive to B's house I told her I would pick her up on the way along with the others.

B gets in setting the energy to partying making me and Jenna laugh she hands us a Gatorade bottle mixed with vodka I hand it to Jenna letting her take a shot first. "Get it Jennaaaaa!!" B laughs Jenna makes a face before bringing the bottle to my lips I take a big sip scrunching my nose as I feel the alcohol burn my throat. We start doing karaoke in the car until we arrive. We were all already in the right mood we quickly get out my car and head to the party like always people were spread across the front yard as clouds with smoke filled the air and the music blaring out the house.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now