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Y/n Pov:

"Ball, ball, ball." I scream across the court B passing me the ball before we start a 2 way Fastbreak as soon as I am in the paint I pass the ball out to B shooting a swish from the 3 point line. we were doing some 1 to 2 fast break drills as the coach blew the whistle getting our attention. "Alright girls practice is over for today good work. Y/n get over here." I wait for all my teammates to head to the locker room before making my way to coach. "Y/n I've noticed some turnovers today what's going on, you're my best man on the team I need your mindset here on the court." she says sternly. "i'm sorry coach I just have a lot going on in the moment i'm trying to keep it behind me." I say my hands resting on my hips. " alright please sort it out before the season starts and i'm always here alright if you need a talk." Coach says patting my shoulder. "Alright get going I wanna see fewer turnovers next practice." She finishes making me nod at her before jogging to the locker room. as I enter hot steam fills my vision hearing the showers running. Me and my teammates were really casual about showering together which im glad since it changes the situation a bit that I have a dick. At first I was embarrassed but I got used to it. I take off my damp jersey and underwear which was drenched in sweat.

I walk into the showers seeing B and Dre talking about practice. "Yo what did coach want from you.?" Dre asks I hit the shower button the hot water hitting my body. "She wanted know why I was doing turnovers, I guess everybody notices that something is wrong." I say over the loud water running scrubbing my body with soap. "well it isn't hard to miss for the people you're close with." she says getting the shampoo out of her hair. agreeing silently I finish showering wrapping my towel around me. I put on some new clothes the scent of freshly washed laundry filling my nose making me sigh in pleasure. "Y/n mind if you drive me home?" Chels asks. I nod at her letting her know i'll be out in a second. As I leave the gym I start to hear the hard rain louder and louder until i'm at the parking lot. "Damn." I say catching chealse's attention who's been patiently waiting fro me under the roof. "Alright hold my bag i'll drive up the car here so you don't gotta walk in the rain." I say handing her my bag before putting my hood up and jogging to my car, starting my baby up before pulling up to the entrance of the school. Chelsea quickly gets in and connects her phone with the aux. we make small talk about random topics until I drive up in her driveway "Thank you for the ride, see you tomorrow." I say the same before backing up from her driveway and heading home.

I turn to the corner seeing someone walk on the pathway drenched in rain. I slow my car as I familiarise the silhouette of Jenna. I think if I should stop and take her home. without thinking too much I do what my gut says honking making her jump looking back to me. I roll down the window. "get in i'll drive you home." I say with a small smile. She looks at me before looking down the road in doubt she sighs and gets in the passenger seat. Silence filling the car I look at her her hair drenched and clothes damp herbed shaking slightly from the cold. I look out to the road thinking if this is a good idea. I take off my hoodie leaving me in my t shirt handing it to her. she looks at me with the same slight spark in her eyes. "So you don't sick." I say giving her a half smile. I earn a soft thank you before she accepts the hoodie putting it on. I make sure no cars were around before driving us home. the car ride was silent filled with some tension. I stop the car in front of her drive way before turning my body towards her the words from B repeating in my head. "Look I'm sorry for snapping at you like that yesterday it wasn't right. But I hope you understand how hard it was for me when you left. I hope were okay?" I ask unsure searching for eye contact. "I'm sorry y/n i know it wasn't right what I did at least how I did. but I miss you like really miss you I miss our stupid talks at night our hangouts I just miss everything I should've never left like that." she says finally looking at my eyes.

"At the hangout with you're friends I was so shocked when I saw you with weed in your hands. You used to be so against it and it just made me realize how much I missed from you. I kept thinking how we went from telling each other everything to literally nothing. And I guess something just came over me, it wasn't right how I approached it. And I hate myself so much for it." she rants her voice cracking her eyes filling with tears. I carefully listen to her words taking everything in feeling the same way. "And Alisha and her stupid friends they mean nothing to me I was so dumb for thinking they were real friends all they care about is their looks and dumb jocks. but I knew if I kept being myself around them I would get judged and I did everything to keep that from happening. but it's been eating me alive ever since high school started. that's why I wanted them to not see you with me they would judge me so hard for it. I know it's a dumb reason but i'm scared be me, I've struggled so much with it and still am when I look in the mirror I don't see myself anymore and it breaks me knowing I can't do anything about it. I mean I could but Alisha she has everyone behind her back if I would say that I don't wanna be friends with her anymore and spot me with you she'll make my life a living hell y/n." Jenna says now sobbing. it breaks me seeing her like this. I sigh taking her hand in mine to try and comfort her. She looks at our hands smiling softly through her cries.

"I'm sorry Jenna." I say not knowing what else to say. "But one thing you taught me by leaving is that I always have to value myself before others, it was hard to accept and it took so long for me to learn it, but eventually I did with the help of the people I love of course. I'm glad you shared your feelings with me you're always welcome to hang out with my friends and me just like they helped me get on my feet we'll help you doing the same." I say thinking of my next words. "I hate to say this but it can't happen until you find yourself and the courage to tell Alisha that she's really a bitch." I say jokingly making Jenna let out a chuckle. "It's in your hands everything you want you'll have to make the first step and good will come along your way wether it would be people you love or a passion for something." I finish squeezing her hand. She looks at me searching my eyes for any lies but finding none. "why are you being nice to me I made your life so hard." she asks. I look at her deeply in her eyes. "because at the end of the day you still are the person I shared so much with." I say above a whisper. She attacks me in a hug holding on for dear life making me do the same closing my eyes. I let her cry in my shoulder until she pulls away. " I will make this right y/n promise you'll wait for me?" she asks. I've never seen her in such a vurnable state like this. it makes me realize how much it has been killing her inside not being able to chase whatever she desires.

"Promise." I say before she hugs me again giving me a soft smile making a move to open the door but stopping. "Are we gonna walk together to School tomorrow?" she asks quietly. I sigh looking out at the road again. "it's up to you just know I'm not gonna play along with the same act as before." I say. making her nod before leaving to her house. I tap my hands on the steering wheel deep in thought. hoping Jenna will make the right decision for herself.

"Promise, a word filled with trust and love."

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now