I'm yours

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TW: talk about drug abuse

Y/n POV:

¿Eso fue todo?( "Was that all?") I ask my mom getting the last of my grandma's bags into the luggage compartment. "Yes." she answers sighing exhausted from packing all day. "Alright let's go." I say to my grandma opening the passenger seat for her. My mom had to stay home since she was gonna leave later tonight for a business trip. "Bye mamá te amo." She says hugging my grandma tears brimming her eyes. I bite my lip trying not to cry at the sight of them. I get in the car waiting for grandma. We drive off my mom pouring water behind my car as I leave the driveway to wish my abuela's travel will go smoothly.

I carry my grandma's suitcase as I lead the way to her gate. I sigh knowing this is a goodbye. she turns to me caressing my cheek a soft tear escaping my eyes. "Don't be sad my flower." She tells me in Spanish making me let out a sob. "We will see each other soon yes?" She says smiling making me smile softly nodding my head. I kiss her cheek hugging her tightly putting my head over hers. closing my eyes as I let my tears escape silently. she pulls away holding my cheek.

"give her a chance darling I know you like her and she likes you, grandpa used to look at me just the same as you do look at Jenna." she says in our mother tongue. Making me taken a back slightly. I nod grabbing the necklace my grandpa gave me. wiping my tears I watch as my grandma go through the gates. I sigh heading to my car.

Fine line by harry styles starts to play through the aux. my emotions I've built up over these past the weeks and my grandma leaving wash over me as I start sobbing driving home. I cry loudly gripping the steering wheel. Why does everything have to be overwhelming. I was so stressed without even knowing it. I wipe the tears away from my eyes taking a deep breath. "You got this, you got this y/n." I say to myself threw my tears. The thought of being like beginning of high school scaring me. I try to control my breathing as I turn to our street. Praying my mom is already gone so she won't see me in this state. I shut my car door noticing her van missing I get inside I lay down on my bed numb I stare at the wall until sleep takes over me.


"Y/n." I hear faintly "Y/n!" I hear again, I flinch from my sleep. I see Jenna standing in front of me. "What happened why weren't you answering your phone why weren't you there to pick me up." She rambles concerned "Did something happen are you sick?" She asks putting her hand on my forehead.  I take her hand off my forehead and just look at her. ' your grandpa used to look at me that way.'  Jenna notices my eyes puffy my cheeks stand with tears. she holds my cheek caressing it softly with her thumb. "Talk to me please." She whispers kneeling in front of the bed dropping her school bag. "I'm sorry." is everything I let out before silence fills the house again. She sighs standing up getting onto my bed "Come here." She says opening her arms I rest my head in the crook of her neck as she rubs my back softly. I close my eyes the scent of flowers and vanilla filling my nose making me feel safe. We stay in that position for a bit her hands playing with my hair making me relaxed. I pull away looking at her now.

"i'm sorry I worried you Jen." I begin. "I just have this overwhelming fear of ending up in a hole again, these couple of weeks have been so much on me so many emotions I can't explain and can't feel at once but in a way I do." I say my voice shaking a bit looking away embarrassed. "when you left a couple years ago at that time my dad left as well leaving me all alone having to take care of my mom. I started doing hard drugs and heavy drinking late at nights to cope with the situation I would go to school high missing classes barely showing up and everything. thats how I met B we were both getting drugs at some house and we ended up talking. She helped me get through all of it it was hard but I finally got sober with the help of my friends. there were nights where I thought of ending it all but I couldn't leave my mom alone." I pause seeing Jenna process everything. "it wasn't your fault or my dads even tho he is a case to himself, I don't remember how it started I fried my brain with all the drugs that I have no memory of it all. It felt like hell I wasn't eating I wasn't taking care of myself and on top of that I pretended to be okay for my mom."

"And now that I've overcome this all it left a big scar on me along with the fear of being like that sometime again and I've been killing myself inside out to keep me from relapsing. And now that i've got you back it feels like I have this big responsibility to be perfect for you, because I like you I don't wanna mess anything up ." I finish.  looking at her, her lips quiver one single tear escaping her eyes. She makes a sudden move hugging me tightly sobbing into my chest I can hear the pain in her voice allowing myself to cry with her. as we pull away I chuckle

"we're a mess." I say making her laugh through her cries. I wipe her tears. "I'm sorry y/n I really am I wish I wouldn't have been so caught up with useless people trying to impress the wrong people and be there with you." she says

"It's my biggest regret." She whispers crying again. "wow that felt good to say out loud." she says chuckling making me do the same. "Don't worry about it anymore I have you here and we are happy thats what matters." I say feeling better getting everything out of my system. I hug her again tightly pulling away a bit leaving us face to face. I look through her eyes tucking her hair behind her ear lovingly smiling softly. I look back at Jenna seeing her looking at me with that stare my grandma was talking about, she was lost in my eyes lips slightly parted adoring every inch of my face. I search for eye contact caressing her cheek with my thumb I inch slowly in making her do the same her eyes now focused on my lips. Our lips softly touch, lingering the kiss with care. We pull away leaning our foreheads against each other I take her hands.

We don't say anything both of us taking the moment in. She cracks a smile making me do the same she lets out a giggle making me look at her lovingly with a bright smile. "Let's go to the beach." I say out of the blue standing up. She looks at me taken a back before laughing  "fuck it." Jenna says smiling making me lead her to my car.

Both of our moods change in a split second, happy to be in each others presence and touch. We were walking down the beach seeing the sun beginning to set. I stop her making her jump a little from her trance of the nature around us.

"first who's in the water." I say quickly smiling pushing her slightly before running to the water. I hear Jenna's laugh behind me "Y/n thats unfair." She shouts running after me. I feel my feet hit the water letting myself fall in the water. letting out a laugh as I wipe my face The splashing of water makes me cover my face as Jenna was now in the water as well. "I love this."  She lets out hardly being able to express her excitement being able to be a kid again. I happily let out a laugh wrapping my arms around her waist my feet touching the sand since we weren't to deep. She rests her hands on my shoulders looking at me with a grin.

"be my girlfriend?" I say breathing heavily from the run. She looks at me stunned. I look at her with a grin now as my grin grows she starts to copy me before pulling me into her. "I'm yours." She says kissing me both of us smiling into the kiss. I push her our lips loosing touch as I watch her body collide with the water. She lets out a gasp coming back up looking at me before splashing water into my face I do the same the crash of waves filling with the sound of our giggles and laughs. the colours of the sunset shining onto our skin like in movies. The rest of the evening was filled with joy. it was so relieving to be like little kids playing around again that we ended up shouting out things into the sunset to get our excitement out only for it to make us laugh even more in each other arms.


"we are meant to be."

( I wrote this whole chapter listening to let the light in by Lana del ray please tell me it makes sense. )

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now