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Tuesday 7:35 P.M.


I breath heavily running my last lap around the court, painfully behind from the others. "If I keep seeing you running like this y/n I will start bleeding through my eyes!" Coach yells at my direction arms crossed. I scoff trying my best but a cough interrupts my speed making me lean over resting my hands on my knees while I cough hard, making me lose breath for a couple seconds from the sudden impact. "you okay?" Coach asks me holding me up by the shoulder. I didn't realize she walked up to me until she talked. I shake my head. "I'm fine just choked on my own spit." I lie. I get up and finish my lap before B comes my way asking me if I'm alright. "I'm fine just choked." I shrug her off hating the look of worry in her eyes. I hate when people look at me with worry and the past couple of days just went by like that. my headaches stayed and I started coughing badly since last night. ' y/n we have to go to the doctors.' 'y/n maybe we should call your mom you can't stay home alone like this' 'how's your head?' is all I'm hearing from Jenna. I know she's just worried but sometimes I just wish I could be away from this, from everyone, be somewhere in the ocean with no one but me with the waves crashing against each other. I noticed that I find myself often thinking about that lately but I just wanna be left alone.

I was in the locker rooms now packing my stuff talking with B about today's practice. as I was tying my shoes a cough interrupted me again. I cough and cough not being able to stop closing my eyes from the pain of my throat. "Yo Y/n you good?" B asks patting my back trying to help. My eyes start to water making me get up and head to the restrooms. i cough over the sink, my whole body shaking with every cough. ' fuck man' I mumble to myself. i cough one last time hearing a splash sound hit the sink. I look down seeing the red spot. I look down at it feeling uneasy. before I could make a next move I hear the door opening. "Y/n bro what happened are you good now?" I hear B's voice. I don't bother looking up at her. "Y/n?" she says before coming to my side. "Is that blood?!" She says shocked yet calm. "Leave it alone B it's probably because I coughed too hard." I say splashing some water onto it so it can get down the drain. "Y/n the fuck?" B says angry pushing my shoulder. "you're not taking care of yourself, something is obviously up." she says a mix of anger and sadness. "I said leave it alone." I say back with no emotion. "I'm tired of everyone around me being all over my face." I say growing louder. B just looks at me millions of emotions written in her eyes. I head out the door grabbing my bag and leaving the gym.


"Hi mom." I say picking up the phone call, I was currently eating dinner I haven't heard from B yet, but I wouldn't reach out to the person that would snap at me like the way I did. "I'm good mom don't worry, how's work?" I ask changing the topic quickly before she asks about my headaches. 'it's been alright so far we do have some complications with the partners, I think we will be staying a bit longer than planned, is that okay for you?' I play with my food as I listen to my moms words. "No problem mom, I love you." we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. A soft knock snaps me out of my trance looking away from my phone I head to the door. revealing Jenna. "What are you doing here so late?" I ask her letting her come in. she gives me a small peck on the lips. "So you wanna tell me what happened between you and B?" she asks straight up making me sigh. "Can we not do this please?" I ask with sorrow in my voice. Jenna furrows her eyebrows, clearly not expecting my distress, she leaves it alone and nods. the night goes by with only few words shared. I loved these moments with Jenna. just being in each others presence is a big comfort to me. "Are you excited about tomorrow?" Jenna asks me. We were cuddling and just staring at each other. "yeah are you?" I smile at her. she nods cupping my cheek. "What about the others tho weren't we supposed to you know go as a group to the ball?" I say guilt kicking in. Jenna caresses my cheek with her thumb. "I'm sure it won't be a problem beautiful."

she comforts me as I relax into her touch closing my eyes. once again silence fills the room as I'm fighting the urge to vent out everything to her I've been feeling. the question of knowing something is going on wrong with me but having no clue what, has been eating me up.

I've been feeling like my body is slowly decaying while my brain is observing everything.

"your eyes tell the stories inside your head." I snap out of my trance seeing Jenna directly facing me. "what?" I ask confused. "your eyes tell the stories inside your head whenever the room is quiet." she repeats talking softly while caressing my cheek. I search through her eyes as I'm thinking about her words. "we can go through this together." she tells me as she lays back down. I kiss her temple silently thanking her. " I don't want this moment to ever end." I admit. Jenna looks at me smiling before turning her back to me and pulling out our Polaroid camera. "then let's make it last." she says grinning widely. I admire her every movement making a smile form on my lips as she hooks her hand around my face holding up the camera on the other. we pose different with every snap and flash of the bright light capturing the memory forever, we stick them inside our journal which was half way full already. "I can't wait to stick the pictures from tomorrow in." Jenna says excitedly jumping on top of me. "I can't wait to see you in the beautiful dress." I say tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a smile on both of our faces. We both lean in for a sweet kiss but before our lips connect I interrupt in yet again another cough. "Y/n something is obviously wrong." Jenna says now concern written on her face. "Let's just enjoy today and tomorrow and promise I'll go to the doctors after the ball." I say my coughs dying down.

"how about your head have you been getting headaches lately?" She asks her hands going around my neck. I nod at her, not wanting to continue this conversation I lay down bringing her with me "I love you, and I understand you care for me but I hate the look of concern on your face." I say not breaking eye contact. she tightens her lips before whispering "I love you too." And kisses my temple. "let's get some sleep Y/n." was the last thing she said as she cuddled up to me and we both drifted off to sleep.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now