Chapter 1

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"No! You can not go! You can not leave me like this, how can I survive without you?" Eden yelled as she cried.

Her big barrel curls blew majestically in the wind as she stood on the suburban house porch.

Mateo, as brawny and serious as ever, grabbed Eden by the waist, spun her around and dipped her low in a passionate kiss.

As he pulled her back up, he looked her deep in the eye and said, "It's for America. And for America I would kill or be killed."

The two silently looked each other in the eye, a silent tear rolled down Eden's blushy cheek. Moments passed before the Director yelled, "Cut! That's a wrap everyone! Beautiful job!"

The crew began to clap, Eden and Mateo were quick to let go of one another. It had been a grueling eight weeks of filming the love story between lovebirds separated by war.

It was not Eden Grace Hydari's cup of tea to watch a sappy love story, despite the fact, she put on a performance of the ages. She was just twenty six years old, yet displayed the poise and timeless skill to match some of the veterans of the industry.

"Ugh, I can't wait to get these off." Eden groaned, wriggling her sore feet.

From the beginning of production, Eden continually bumped heads with the costume design team as they picked clothes too big, too small or unflattering to Eden's deep brown skin tone.

The 1950's inspired kitten heels were another source of contention, Eden was grateful to never have to wear the cursed shoes again.

Audrey Olstein served as Eden's personal assistant, the conflict of interest lied in the fact that Audrey was also the daughter of Asher Olstein, Eden's manager

Audrey skittishly hustled over to hold Eden's hand as she carefully stepped down the stairs to go back to the dressing room.

"The crew said that they are having dinner at Fogo's this evening."

"I hope they enjoy." Eden replied without a beat. Everywhere she walked, her head remained high in an image of grace and confidence. "What time is the flight tonight?"

"About that, my dad, I mean Mr. Olstein thought it would be good for your career to have dinner with the crew tonight. The producer and director will be there."

"Audrey, what time is my flight?"

"Miss. Eden, there is no flight out." Audrey cautiously admitted, fearful of Eden's reaction.

As calm as a dove, Eden continued walking, one pointed heel in front of the other. "Audrey, go ahead and call your father for me."

"Ma'am I–."

"My love, I'm not doing this with you or your father today. Go ahead and call him, we will see who is or isn't flying out tonight. Let him know that I was fine with first class, but now he needs to make the arrangements for private. I'm not staying another night in South Carolina, test me and see if I'm lying."

Eden stepped up the stairs to the dressing room, closing the door behind her, letting Audrey know not to come in.

She sat at the desk in front of the vanity, bright, luminous lights framed the mirror.

And exhaled.

Despite the exhaustion she felt, one would never be able to tell. Her makeup had been meticulously applied, leaving her lips read and eyes winged. Her soft, clear skin looked healthy and bouncy to the touch. Her hair had been styled in long, barrel curls that flowed gently down her back.

Eden pulled her hair up into a high, messy, bun feeling immediate relief from the punishing humidity of South Carolina. She stepped out of the dress, heels and tights and put on her figure-hugging sweatpants and hoodie set. She put on big, black glasses to cover most of her unamused face.

As Eden finished changing, she began to pack up her belongings into a LV duffle bag. Soft knocks resounded repeatedly on the door.

"Come in." Eden called out, not even slightly distracted from her task at hand.

Audrey came in, holding her cell phone out, she extended the phone. "Ma'am, it's Mr. Olstein."

Eden looked at the phone then back to her duffle bag, "Mm."

"Uhm, she can hear you dad." Audrey whispered, loudly.

"Eden baby, can you hear me, sweetheart? Can you hear me? Congratulations on the last day of filming! I'm so proud of you, baby!"

Eden finally stopped what she was doing, turning to the phone with a look of evident displeasure.

"Asher, why is it that whenever you promise to do something, you do the opposite?"

"Oh, baby, come on! That's not fair! What is wrong? Hm, just tell me what's wrong, Big Daddy Olstein will fix it for you, sweetheart!"

More pronounced than Eden's disgust was Audrey's horror.

"I told you I want to fly out of this muggy state tonight. You told me the flight was booked. Now there is a party I'm to attend...Why is that? I have given my all for the last eight weeks, Asher, I'm going home tonight."

"Baby, you know—"


"Alright, alright. I know you wanted to go home, but it's a big deal to sit and shoulder up with executives, sweetheart. It's how actors stay fed in this industry."

"I didn't tell you I was hungry, I'm fed, and I keep you and your daughter fed. Fed so well, I'm booked out for the next three years. I don't need this Asher, you know I don't."

"One more night, sweetheart, come on! Please. You do this one thing for me, I promise, you will be flying out of Charleston first thing tomorrow in a private jet and a brand new Burkin waiting for you in it."

Eden sighed, and shook her head. "What happens tomorrow when you come up with a new reason to delay me?"

"I promise, sweetheart. I won't. I swear on my kids."

Audrey's eyes momentarily widened.

Eden, sat down and crossed her leg elegantly, "I will attend for no more than two hours and will leave. Save the bag for someone who needs it and arrange the flight for after the dinner."

"Oh...Oh! That's a good compromise, huh? You sure you don't want the Birkin? It's authentic!"

"Asher, I don't value your fashion sense, don't worry about how I accessorize. You just make sure that jet is ready for me."

"Yes ma'am! That's my girl, you are going to rock it tonight, sweetheart. Big Daddy Olstein is proud of you."

"I remind you that your contract is up in January, you talk as if you don't want me to re-sign."

"Welp, and with that I will leave you to get ready for your evening. I will see you when you get back to Cali dear!"

Audrey took the phone off of the speaker phone and quickly said, "Alright, dad, bye dad. Love you too, Dad."

"Is the car ready?"

"Yes ma'am." Audrey affirmed, taking the duffle bag from Eden's hands and opening the door for Eden to leave.

With that, the two were off at The Dewberry, one of the nicest hotels in all of Charleston. It was post, pristinely clean and there Eden would get an opportunity to shower, briefly relax and get ready for the dinner. 

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