Chapter 2

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The soft glow of the evening lights embraced the entrance of the luxurious five-star restaurant as guests arrived for an exclusive dinner party. Among them, a stunning woman turned heads as she stepped into the venue.

Eden Grace Hydari, THE Eden Grace Hydari.

Her radiant smile illuminated the room as she made her way through the sophisticated crowd. Her skin, a rich and velvety shade of ebony, seemed to absorb and reflect the ambient light, giving her an ethereal glow. Adorned in a form-fitting black mini dress, the simplicity of the garment only accentuated her natural beauty. The dress gracefully hugged her curves, and its modest length hinted at a tasteful sense of fashion.

Her eyes, the color of deep mahogany, sparkled with a combination of warmth and mystery. A pair of diamond encrusted hoop earrings dangled delicately from her ears, catching the light as she moved.

Audrey walked a few steps behind as the attendees of the dinner party rose to their feet to welcome in Eden, who was tastefully tardy.

"What a beauty, what a beauty!" Sergio fawned. "Beautiful job you have done, gorgeous. It's remarkable the work you've done, I mean, the way you capture a camera, my God. Just tremendous!"

"Thank you so much! I really fell in love with the character of Abby. I'm honored to have played her and I hope audiences fall in love with her as well." Eden beamed as she spoke, charismatically, she buttered up the movie producer she spoke with.

"I'm sure, I'm sure." Sergio looked Eden up and down, a knowing look on his face. He held her hand.

Sergio moved closer to Eden's ear, "A few of my guys have a more private dining room back there, would you like to come talk more? Maybe we can share ideas on a future project...Hm? We have some Pearl Louis back there, that stuff runs about $165k a bottle."

"Oh, how sweet of you...." Eden smiled widely, her words trailing. She then patted his hand that held hers, as she pulled the patting hand away she pulled the held hand away as well.

"After me?" Sergio waited for her to continue talking, walking, anything. Waiting to no avail.

"I think I'm going to stay up here and speak with some of the co-stars for a bit." Eden graciously declined the creeps offer, she may not have been a Vet but she wasn't new to the ways of Hollywood. "But you enjoy, thank you again."

"I'll check in again in a few hours, maybe."

"Sounds like a plan." Maintaining a dazzling smile, Eden turned her head as Sergio leaned in and kissed her cheek. She felt deeply disgusted and had every intention of letting Asher know about himself, for sending her to such an event.

As Sergio left, Audrey watched him leave. "Liquor for $165,000? Do you think he will let me try some?"

Eden's smile fell and a warning look darted to Audrey, "Audrey you are even sillier than I thought you were, if you think to go back there with those pigs."

Audrey's face turned. She hated when Eden would block her from having fun of her own at events.

Eden took her seat at one of the tables, making conversation with those surroundings and enjoying the Prosecco, entremets and ambiance.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

Sergio tapped his steak knife against the crystal, champagne flute that he carried. He stood, pulling the attention of everyone in the room.

He raised his glass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed cast and crew... tonight we gather to celebrate the culmination of months of hard work, creativity, and dedication. Each of you has played an integral role in bringing our vision to life on the screen. From the early mornings to the late nights, your passion and talent have shaped this film into something truly extraordinary. I am immensely proud to have had the privilege of working with such a remarkable team. The challenges we faced only strengthened our resolve, and the moments of collaboration and inspiration will forever be etched in the fabric of this production. As we raise our glasses, let us toast to the memories we've created, the stories we've told, and the magic that happens when a group of individuals comes together to create art. Thank you for your tireless efforts, and here's to the success of our collective masterpiece! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" The room reverberated in unison.

Elegantly Eden raised her glass, just as elegantly she put it back down.

Now that the toast had been made, Eden understood what time it was. The evening was shortly going to take a turn with cocaine, hookups and all other of the Hollywood unholies.

The toast was Eden's queue.

Eden got hold of her petite, black, Telfar bag and began to make her exit.

Standing outside under the valet desks covering, her co-star Mateo smoked a cigar while speaking to a man whose back was facing Eden.

Mateo's eyes lit up when he saw Eden, who stood with Audrey.

"Leaving already?"

Eden gave him a knowing look with her eyebrow raised and head slightly tilted. "Not a second longer."

Mateo laughed out loud, clapping his hands together. It was no secret to Mateo how much Eden was ready for filming to end.

Eden was a true professional in the sense that when at work, she focused on work. Mateo was grateful to see glimpses of her true personality shine through during the last few months.

Mateo was strikingly handsome, truly, they could not have paired Eden with a more fitting male lead. He was Afro-Latino and captivated the heart of the female audience with his glowy caramel skin, strong features and deep brown eyes. Standing tall at 6'4, he missed not a single day at the gym.

"When do you fly back?" Eden asked.

"Not for another three nights."

Eden grimaced at the thought. "Prayers."

"Ah, it's not that bad." Mateo walked closer to Eden with open arms. "You fly safe. The press tour does not start for another two weeks, I'll see you then."

Eden hugged Mateo. They had spent the entire filming with no shortage of romantic moments, yet the simple short hug was the first that was genuine.

"I will see you then. You take care."

The man who Mateo was speaking to watched the entire interaction, he gave Mateo a look. Mateo sheepishly smiled.

"Oh! This is my homeboy, Eden, I'm sorry. Levi, this is Eden. Eden, Levi."

Levi was just as tall, brawny and spectacular to look at.

He exuded sophistication in his impeccably tailored suit. His piercing blue eyes captured attention and radiated a sense of both intelligence and kindness. With a commanding stature, he moved with confidence as he reached out to shake Eden's hand.

Strong grip. Eden thought to herself, pleasantly surprised.

"It's nice to meet you, Eden."

Oh my.

Levi's voice carried a depth that Eden could feel in the pit of her stomach, the second pleasant surprise.

"A pleasure, thank you." Eden looked over and saw a shiny black Escalade pull up.

Levi held on to Eden's hand for just a second longer before finally letting go. From where he stood, Eden could smell his musky cologne.

"I will be in LA for business soon, maybe I can take you out sometime."

A shame.

Eden had a strict rule of never dating actors, as cute as he was, she was unwilling to break it.

She smiled. "You gentlemen take care."

As she walked to the SUV, the driver hustled out to open her door. Though she did not turn back to check, she felt the eyes of Mateo and Levi remain on her.

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