Chapter 29

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-One Year Later -

The golden sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the tranquil waters surrounding the private island off the coast of Greece.

Eden and Levi stood hand in hand, their eyes reflecting the love that had deepened over the course of a year. It was a year filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the beautiful journey of two souls intertwining as one.

As the waves gently kissed the shore, a symphony of soft whispers and the rustling of palm leaves accompanied the couple's vow renewal ceremony. The island, with its lush greenery and vibrant flowers, provided the perfect backdrop for the glamorous celebration of their love.

Eden, dressed in a flowing, ivory gown adorned with delicate lace, looked radiant as ever. The sun played with the diamonds in her hair, creating a sparkling halo around her. Levi was as handsome as ever in his half button dress shirt and perfectly tailored navy pants. He couldn't take his eyes off Eden.

A wooden arch draped in ivory fabric stood in the center of a meticulously decorated garden overlooking the Aegean Sea. The air was filled with the scent of exotic flowers.

Levi's voice resonated with strength and tenderness as he spoke, "Eden, from the moment I met you, my life transformed into a journey of love and happiness. Today, as we stand on this island of dreams, I promise to continue building a life filled with laughter, support, and unending love. You are my heart, my partner, and my greatest adventure."

Eden, her eyes glistening with tears of joy, she opened her mouth to respond but her profession was interrupted by the sudden and shrill screech of a baby.

She grinned, "Levi, I—"

The previous shrill was then doubled as a second baby joined in on the unrest. Eden looked over at the first row, where Sarah sat and carried the twin boys, even being only two months old there was still a striking resemblance they had to their father.

Levi squeezed Eden's hands, his eyes pleading with her to focus. "They are fine". He whispered.

Eden nodded her head and researched for the words she had in mind prior to the distraction. The words never came back, all she could focus on was the cry of her young. "I'm sorry just one second."

Eden scurried as fast as her heels would allow her to Sarah, she scooped Maverick into her arms. He was minutes younger than Elias, but had double the fuss.

"My baby, what's wrong?" Eden cooed as she hurried back to Levi. At the touch of Eden's hand, Maverick was almost instantly calmed. She returned to her spot in front of Levi, "Okay, where were we?"

"You were—."

And it was then Elias's turn to voice his displeasure. Sarah huffed in frustration, "Y'all need to come get your baby, I can't do this anymore."

Levi's face fell in defeat, the plan for a smooth ceremony was out the window, but he was never one to sulk. He took up his carbon copy, Elias, who also conveniently calmed in the safety of his fathers arms.

Now they were back in their spots, each holding a calm, quiet baby. What might have seemed like a disruption to others lit Eden's heart on fire. She saw the blue eyed babies as an even greater testament to how much of a blessing the first year of marriage was.

"Levi, I don't have the words to express how much you mean to me. You have been my anchor in the storm and my dearest friend. Your love fills my heart in ways I can't explain. I am grateful for how hard you work to give me and the boys the life we have. I promise to continue to stand by you, cherish you and love you today, tomorrow and always."

The priest slightly bowed his head, pleased with Eden's words, "Now the couple will re-exchange rings".

Eden's canary diamond ring was then gifted a friend to join it, a gold eternity band sat underneath the large stone. Levi opted for a simple, solid gold band for himself.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of pink and orange. It was a breathtaking backdrop.

With the ceremony complete, the celebration continued under a canopy of twinkling lights. Tables adorned with white linens and golden accents welcomed guests to an exquisite feast of Greek delicacies.

The sounds of joyous laughter, clinking glasses, and the distant melody of waves crashing against the shore filled the air.

Though the party raged on, the twins were dwindling down. Maverick slept peacefully in the portable baby bed, while Eden fed Elias whose long slow blinks signaled the inevitable, milk-induced slumber.

In love and obsessed. Eden thought to herself as she admired the boys.

Looking up, she saw friends and family celebrating. 

Sarah dancing with Moni. Sam helping his self to his third serving of lamb gyro.

A drunken Asher attempting to convince Mateo to sign with his agency.

Gracie, Leni and Becca dancing, laughing as Leni dropped it low, unable to pick it back up.

Audrey and Felipe taking a shot of what seemed to be something very strong.

Members of Levi's family taking pictures with the Aegean sea as the background.

Levi and Dabir, seemingly talking about the economy.

Levi must have felt Eden's eyes on him, he looked at her and smiled. A smile came to her face. He said something to Dabir and patted him on the shoulder as he stepped away, making his way towards his beloved wife and kids.

He approached Eden, pulled up a chair and sat next to her. He reached out his arms, "Go have fun baby, I will take him."

"No, it's okay, he's almost asleep anyway." Eden assured, she looked back to the guest. "Isn't this so amazing?"

Levi's arm went around the back of Eden's chair, "Not as amazing as life with you."

Eden rolled her eyes, her smiling growing. "Sweet talk, sweet talk, sweet talk."

"You love it."

"I love you." Eden corrected.

"Now look who is sweet talking." Levi's smile was big, "I love you, baby."

Their eyes locked in a silent exchange of desire. The world around them blurred as they leaned in, closing the distance between their lips.

The party, filled with vibrant sounds and the loud conversation, became a backdrop to Levi and Eden's unfolding love story. In that shared kiss, they renewed their deep connection that transcended the boundaries of the world around them, creating a party of their own.

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