Chapter 3

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Late night in, early morning start. Such was the life of Eden Grace Hydari.

She arrived back home at 4am, showered and crawled into her plush, white, King sized bed. By 8am, it was go time.

Eden started off her day at the gym with her personal trainer. After, it was time for her facial, nail appointment and hair.

She felt refreshed and like a new woman at the conclusion of her packed day, arriving back home after 7pm.

Eden stepped in through the entryway, happy to be back home. The foundation of the space was laid with impeccable marble floors, its smooth and polished surface reflected the ambient light, creating a luminous and luxurious atmosphere.

The focal point was the magnificent spiral staircase. The staircase, crafted from the finest materials, boasted a graceful and sweeping design that adds a touch of artistic flair to the space. The banister, perhaps wrought iron or another high-quality metal, featured intricate details that complemented the overall aesthetic.

Overhead, in all its glory, was the chandelier.

The chandelier was adorned with a myriad of high-quality crystals that sparkled and refracted light, casting a brilliant display of prismatic colors across the space. The crystals were delicately cut and arranged in tiers, creating a cascading effect that added depth and dimension to the chandelier's form.

"Oh my gosh! You're here!" A high-pitched voice screeched from the top of the staircase.

Who other than Sarah Hydari, who was publicly known as Lyric Doll.

Sarah bolted down the stairs in excitement, clinging on to her older sister. "I'm so happy you are back! I missed you so much! Oh, we have so much to catch up on!"

"My goodness, Sarah." Eden scoffed with an amused grin, she held her little sister's face in her hands. "I missed you t–oh, what is that smell?"

"Oh sorry, Edy, I forgot to change. I was smoking with my homegirls earlier."


The two sisters took wildly different paths in their respective careers but there was nothing but love between the two of them.

"Lyric Doll" was a larger-than-life, fiery, social media influencer who self-described herself as a rapper. She was a fresh nineteen years of age, surviving nearly solely on her sister's dime, everything else the hair growth gummies and weight loss teas covered.

"Eden, you missed it girl, I was trending on the ShadowSpot last night! 10,000 new followers, just like that! I'm viral!" Lyric Doll squealed while doing a happy dance.

Eden exhaled deeply as she walked up the stairs towards her bedroom, "Do I even want to know what you did to go viral?"

"Oh, girl, no. You don't, HA!" Lyric stuck her tongue out as she cackled.

The key to her recent following had been a twenty second clip she had posted, wearing next to nothing and performing a trending, provocative choreography. She helped herself to a diamond necklace and earring set from Eden's jewelry box, adding to the appeal of the video.

Eden knew she would not want to see the video, so she did not even ask. Instead she offered a warning.

"You have to stay away from the ShadowSpot, that page is toxic."

"No it aint! They love me!" Lyric Doll flipped her phone around to show Eden the video against her will.

It took Eden a few moments for her eyes to register what she was looking at, when it registered, her eyes widened. "Sarah! My God!...And are those my diamonds?"

"What?! It's cute!"

"Is it though? It's just your huge butt flopping around, how is this not censored?!" Eden put up a warning finger. "Only God can help you if this, whatever this is, causes any problems in my career."

Lyric Doll turned her phone screen off and shrugged. She was not sorry and had every intention of doing it again.

"I'm not the only one trending." Lyric Doll mumbled under her breath.

"My love, I'm always trending, for different reasons, that is." Eden winked at her sister, a smirk on her face.

"Pfft whatever, girl, you and that high yellow man."



Eden squinted her eyes at the picture. It was an ultra zoomed in picture of her and Mateo from last night, zoomed so far in it was troubling to even identify the faces.

"Who is he?" Lyric questioned.

"Oh, Mateo. He is a co-star."

"You two look in love...Just saying."

"Absolutely not, you know I do not see it for actors." Eden refuted, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Plus, for every show or film I've ever acted in, there have been corresponding dating rumors. It's asinine."

"Is it though? Girl, you've been single since 'ever."

"By choice."

"By choice?"

"By choice, yes." Eden stated convincingly. "My choice."

"Okay yeah but, you shouldn't just work work work, Edy. Every woman needs a man from time to time."

"I will date when I find a God-fearing, handsome, business man who is detached from this industry and has no use for my platform, hm?

Lyric Doll huffed. There was no use. Eden was as stubborn as an ox.

"Fine, can we go out to eat then?"

"That I can agree to." Eden greed. With that the sisters left the house.

Their destination was a quaint little bistro, known for its cozy ambiance and delectable cuisine. As they entered, the aroma of spices and the murmur of animated conversations enveloped them. The sisters chose a private corner booth, where a flickering candle added a warm glow to their surroundings.

The owners were used to the two, making sure to seat other patrons far away from the booth. As outrageous as Lyric Doll could be, Eden cherished that time with her.

It truly was good to be home.

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