Chapter 25

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Eden sat at her vanity in the bathroom applying her makeup. She had an interesting day ahead of her to say the least.

"Baby, I'm heading out!" Levi called from down the stairs.

Eden quickly rubbed her lips together, leaving the vanity to go see Levi off. "Wait!"

Levi, dressed in his most dapper suit, waited at the door for Eden.

"Oh you look so good, drive safe honey, I will see you later." She tilted her head back to receive a kiss, then wiped the gloss off his lips after he kissed her.

"Thank you, baby. What are you up to today?"

"I'm going to see an old friend."

"An old friend."

"An old female friend. I will fill you in with all the details." Eden replied with amusement. "I love you."

"Love you too, baby."

Levi gave her another kiss, Eden used her other hand to wipe the shiny pink off of him. As Levi set off, Eden got her purse and did the same.

She dressed in a winter white, long, body con dress, bamboo heels and a white Valentino purse. She adorned her neck and ears with dainty jewelry to accessorize and let her long hair flow freely down her back. As per usual, black glasses covered her eyes.

Using the address that Audrey had sent over, Eden attentively followed the instructions from her cars navigation system. When she arrived at the supposed location, Eden was surprised to see how large the facility was.

The Women's Wellness Institute

Eden walked up the building's front steps, each poignant step was careful. She was reminded of a movie she once filmed as a lawyer. The building was menacing, tall and somehow judiciary. Not the warm and fuzzy yoga center Eden imagined it to be.

The inside of the building told a different story. It was soft, feminine and like a breath of fresh air. It was clear that several thousands of dollars had recently gone into the facility for renovations.

The walls were a soft palette of muted pastels enveloped them, creating a soothing atmosphere that contrasted with the hectic pace of the outside world. The walls adorned with abstract art whispered tales of healing and resilience. The carefully chosen artwork served not only as visual delights but also as conversation starters, inviting patients to share their stories and emotions.

The upholstery, a blend of earthy tones and gentle textures, embraced visitors with a reassuring touch. Fluorescents were ditched in the facility, instead, sunset lighting was installed instilling a warm serenity.

A stocky, middle aged woman in a blue and black security uniform suddenly appeared in front of Eden. "Do you have an appointment?"

Eden flinched backwards, her left hand covered her chest. "Oh my."

"Do you have an appointment?" The lady asked once again, her impatience growing.

Eden cleared her throat gently, then graciously flipped her tresses off her shoulder. She stood straight, with her composure regathered. "I do not. I am here to see Gracie."

The woman scoffed, and began walking to her desk just to the right of the main entrance. "You and the rest of the world. You and all of her little fan girls need to make an appointment, this isn't a charity she is running here people."

"Can you let her know that it is—"

"No. No. No. Make an appointment, toots."

Eden was disappointed but understanding, she digressed, opting out of giving the older woman attitude. "Might I have one of her cards?"

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