Chapter 26

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True to her name, Gracie was gracious in happily extending her services to Moni Hydari. Eden and Gracie spent about an hour together, game planning next steps and catching up. The elementary to high school friends were able to pick the friendship up right where it was left.

Soon it was time for Gracie's next appointment and Eden had to excuse herself. As she left, she felt joy from the rekindled friendship while still a pang of regret that she had not nurtured the friendship over the years.

Gracie, Leni, Becca and Alexis were major parts of Eden's life. Eden could never forget the mini going away party the girls had thrown for her when she was nineteen and setting to move to Los Angeles. What they all had that would be a small role, turned into Eden being the leading lady and being booked back to back for seven years straight.

Eden chuckled to herself as she remembered the green liter of Sprite and orange bag of Doritos. The party was a testament to how broke they were but an even greater testament to how love and compassion shifts the atmosphere.

She was becoming overwhelmed with emotions.

Eden sat alone in her car, the soft hum of the engine providing a backdrop to the storm of emotions raging within her. The beginning drops of rain outside mirrored the tears streaming down her cheeks, blurring the world beyond the windshield. The glow of city lights painted streaks on the glass, a melancholy dance that seemed to echo the rhythm of her heart.

As the droplets tapped on the roof of her car, Eden's mind echoed with the memories of missed birthdays, forgotten plans, and the quiet loneliness that had settled in. She was tired of being lonely.

Her career, the one she had poured her heart and soul into, had flourished while her personal life withered away like neglected flowers.

The weight of success felt heavy.

The accolades and achievements that adorned her professional life became a stark contrast to the emptiness that lingered in her heart. The sacrifices she made for her career were now painfully apparent.

Never again would she sacrifice connectedness for a shiny piece of metal to put on the award shelf.

Eden wiped her eyes dry, delicately making sure her eyelashes were still in place. She knew what she had to do next, feeling the urge strongly in her heart. Eden left the parking lot and drove about fifteen minutes into the city until she arrived at a towering masterpiece of modern architecture, a gleaming glass skyscraper that scraped the clouds with its sharp edges. Perched at the heart of the financial district, it loomed over the city like a symbol of economic prowess. The building's façade was a seamless curtain of reflective glass, mirroring the ebb and flow of the bustling metropolis below.

Jaded from her interaction with Rhonda earlier, Eden left her glasses in the car, unwilling to argue with any fiery employee. She was so emotionally charged, there was no telling what may come out her mouth if provoked.

Two officers that patrolled the revolving glass door say Eden and sprung to action. They reached out to hold her hand and help her up the step of the building.

"Thank you, gentleman." Eden charmingly stated, perhaps vain but Eden did at least appreciate the added respect being recognized afforded her.

"What can we help you with, Ma'am? Tea? Coffee? Water? Perhaps you would like to meet with one of our account specialists?" A woman in a gray pants suit questioned Eden eagerly. "My name is Susan White, by the way."

"Yes, hi Susan, I am here to see Levi Moore." Eden replied with a closed mouth smile, she felt giddy at the thought of surprising him at his work.

"Oh! Mr. Moore! Yes, that would make the most sense, right this way Miss. Hydari...Mrs. Moore? I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude."

"Mrs. Moore doesn't bother me." Eden responded with a nonchalant shrug, as she strutted to the elevators, capturing the attention and admiration of employees and clientele alike.

Susan pressed the up button on the elevator, then clicked the button for the very top floor. Floor 38.

The elevator ride was quiet and long. Eden faced forward as Susan repeatedly stole glances of Eden, she wanted to speak but could not muster the words.

The elevator dinged, signaling the arrival at the top floor.

Finally, Eden thought.

"You husband–your fiance, um, Mr. Moore will be straight down and in the biggest office."

The biggest office? My man, my man. Eden smiled charmingly. She stepped out the elevator, out loud she said "Thank you, Susan. I'll be sure to let Mr. Moore know about the kindness you showed me."

Susan nearly exploded, her fists clenched as she held back a yelp of excitement from getting to speak directly to the Eden Grace Hydari.

Eden winked at Susan, then continued her way. Walking down the hall, she heard conversation cease. A younger man saying "Woah" and subsequently earning a nudge from his colleague.

"Is that Eden Grace Hydari?"

"Dude, she's hot."

"Shush, you two. That's your boss's lady you guys are talking about."

Eden ignored the hushed whispering as she went on her way. She looked to one of the groups who stared intently on her, they quickly looked away and feigned busyness.

In front of the last office door, on a golden placard read:

Levi Alexander Moore, Esq.

Managing Director, Venture Capital

Just reading the placard caused Eden to feel both smitten and proud. She quietly knocked on the office door thrice.

The knocks were followed by a silence, Eden knocked again this time slightly opening the door and whispering, "Is this a bad time?"

"Eden?" Levi asked, his footsteps got close and the door then swung open. Confusion and happiness crossed his face, he immediately drew her into a hug, "Baby, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Eden stepped into the office, looking around as she spoke, "Do you have a busy afternoon?"

"There is always work to be done, anything can wait, especially for you." Levi said, gently holding on to Eden's waist. "You came all this way just to see me?"

"That and something else..."


"Would you want to,perhaps, take the rest of the day off to do a certain thing with me...?"

Levi's eyebrow raised, "Something tells me you aren't being direct and we are thinking about two different things."

"Okay, fine." Eden stood up straight, facing him fully. "I want us to go get married."



Levi looked at Eden, Eden looked at Levi. A deafening silence befell the room.

Suddenly, Levi pointed at Eden. "See that's what I'm talking about."

Levi held Eden's hand, she held his hand back. He grabbed his phone and wallet with the other hand and then led her to the door.

"Let's go get married." Levi said, a gleeful look on his face.

"Let's go get married." Eden said back, love swelling her heart.

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