Chapter 24

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Eden couldn't shake the butterflies in her stomach as she made her way through the bustling airport. Two security guards walked a few feet in front of her on the lookout for Levi. With big sunglasses on, a hood and her head down, Eden followed behind.

No matter how many months passed by with Levi in her life, she still felt the excitement of spending time with him.

The guards led her outside to a secured access part of the parking garage, often reserved for celebrities and politicians. There, Levi waited patiently.

Upon his eyes landing on her, Levi approached her with open arms, and the moment they embraced felt like the culmination of a thousand dreams. "Eden, my love, you're finally here," he whispered into her ear.

Eden hugged him back tightly, feeling as though she could finally breathe deeply.

Eden pulled back, looking into Levi's eyes, her own filled with joy. "I missed you so much," she confessed, holding onto him as if he might disappear.

He took the glasses off her face, allowing him to more fully admire his love. "I missed you too, baby. But look at us now, together at last."

Levi then looked to the guards, one hand stayed around Eden while the other reached out to shake both of their hands. "Thank you guys. I got it from here."

"Thank you, Sir..Miss. Hydari." The first guard replied in salutation.

From there, Levi opened the passenger door for Eden to get in. Her butterflies returned. He closed the door behind her, getting in on the other side.

She laughed nervously, her laughter was followed by a foolish feeling for behaving like a schoolgirl in puppy love. Levi drove with one hand and interlaced fingers with her with his other hand.

"Whew, I am nervous."

"You just moved across the country, baby. It's okay to be nervous." Levi pulled her hand up to his mouth, giving the back of her hand a kiss. "You will love it."


"Perhaps not with that attitude." Levi stated with a laugh.

"I hope your house is clean, Levi. I am not going to be in a bachelor pad."

"Our house."

Eden smirked, the words did not feel natural. "Our house."

"And yes, our house is clean. It's not a bachelor pad. You will be happy when you see it." Levi said assuringly. "The movers have been in and out all week, your stuff is all there and in place."

"Perhaps." Eden took a deep breath, fighting back the jittery feeling she felt. She thought of something, anything, else to talk about as a distraction.

In no time, Eden's eyes were widening in awe as she took in the grandeur of the house that awaited her.

The wrought-iron gates swung open, and as they drove up the meticulously landscaped driveway, the sheer opulence of Levi's home left her breathless.

Architectural brilliance.

Ivory pillars adorned the entrance, towering majestically and framing the double doors that beckoned Eden inside.

She got out of the car and looked up at the beautiful home. "Levi!"

"I told you it wasn't a bachelor pad."

"You neglected to tell me, it wasn't a...mansion!"

"This isn't LA baby, the dollar stretches a lot further." Levi put an arm around her. "Do you want to go inside or..."

"Yes, please. My goodness." Eden said under her breath as Levi led her in.

The front door swung open, revealing a spacious foyer adorned with dark wood accents and intricate moldings. The air carried the subtle scent of polished wood, giving the mansion a warm and welcoming aura.

"Welcome to our home, Eden," he said, his eyes gleaming with affection.

Eden stepped inside, her eyes widening at the sight of the high ceilings and the grand staircase that greeted her. A majestic chandelier hung overhead, casting a soft glow on the polished hardwood floors. The walls were adorned with classic artwork.

"Mr.Moore, you never cease to amaze me" Eden whispered, her fingers grazing the mahogany banister as she took in the regal surroundings.

Levi led her through the spacious living room, where plush, upholstered furniture invited relaxation. Large windows framed views of the lush gardens outside, adding a touch of nature to the traditional setting. The dining room, with its long, polished table and high-backed chairs, foretold a story of all the family and children who would eventually fill the space.

Eventually, they reached the master bedroom, tucked away at the far end of the mansion. The door swung open to reveal a room that seemed straight out of a dream. The bed, a massive four-poster with intricately carved wooden details, dominated the space. The soft glow of ambient lighting accentuated the rich tones of the hardwood floors and the plush Persian rug beneath the bed.

Eden couldn't help but marvel at the blend of elegance and comfort in Levi's master bedroom. What really won her over were the pictures on the wall, professionally framed photos of Eden and Levi together.

One was a selfie style picture of the two one the weekend getaway in Bellevue. Another was from the night of the Oscars. The trio wouldn't be complete without a picture Levi took of Eden, first thing in the morning as she made a silly face back to him.

Bare faced, no designer clothes, hair in a bonnet yet the happiest Eden was ever seen. Eden stared at the photograph silently, a tear in her eye and a smile on her face.

"I wanted you to feel at home," Levi said, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around.

Eden looked around, fully absorbing the moment. "It's more than I could have imagined," she admitted.

She continued, "This is really the start of our forever."

"The dream." Levi replied peaceably, as if something within his soul no longer had to yearn. He held her slightly tighter. "This is all I've wanted. You are all I've ever wanted."

"Do you want me bad enough to cook dinner?" Eden joked, disrupting the intimate moment. "I'm hungry."

"Baby, if I make you dinner, by morning you would be out the door. I'm trying to keep you here." Levi laughed.

"Hm. You are lucky that I just so happen to excel at making a good home cooked meal. You are lucky, Mr. Moore." Eden waved a finger at him, as she walked out the room slowly and trailingly,

"I can't argue that." Levi agreed. "You take care of dinner, I will handle dessert."

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