Chapter 9

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Bright and early the next morning, Eden flew back home. She was still on what felt like cloud nine following her date with Levi.

The next few days went by smoothly.

It was entering award show season, so Eden's days were filled with fittings, alterations, the gym and beauty services. By night, she was ending her evening with long phone calls with Levi.

As moments turned to hours and hours turned to days, Eden and Levi's affection for each other deepened.

Even so, work was still to be done.

Eden had been booked to speak on a popular podcast called Wellness Whispers with Melissa. She was some health and wellness guru who had a major audience. Eden was not sure how much she was getting paid for the gig, but as she stepped into the small recording space, she certainly questioned it.

One of the audio producers helped Eden get her headphones on, in no time the tapes were rolling.

Melissa had a soothing voice, slender frame and boundless energy, Melissa looked as a beacon of health and vitality. Her podcast a treasure trove of insightful discussions on all things related to well-being, fitness, and nutrition.

"Welcome back everyone to Wellness Whispers with Melissa, where I, your host Melissa, delve into all things mindful eating, effective workout, holistic wellness and self-love. Everyone, I'm so excited today, you are all in for such a treat. My team has been reaching out to book our guest today for two straight years, everyone, two! I'm so pleased to announce that I'm here with Eden Grace Hydari."

"Hello, hello! Thank you for having me, Melissa. I am happy to be here." Eden graciously thanked.

Melissa's voice was soft and peaceful, every word she spoke could be a part of a guided meditation.

She said, "I'm sorry to fangirl, but everyone at home, for the record the rumors are true. Eden smells just as good as everyone says online!"

"What?" Eden questioned as she laughed.

"You have not heard of that before?"


Melissa spoke with a big smile, "There are people who have met you in person and have seen you in public who always mention how you smell really good. The whole internet is curious, I know I was curious, and I am now even more curious on what you wear. You have to let me and the viewers know what scent you wear."

"Oh my gosh, that is so funny." Eden laughed some more, "Well, I hate to disappoint, but I actually wear only signature scents."

"Explain that to me."

"So there's this guy, Rossi Ronello, he is a perfume chemist—"

"A perfume chemist? That's a thing?"

"Yes, darling, absolutely. So Rossi is an actual chemist and what he will do is make these custom scents based off of my body chemistry and specific notes that I request. So I have specific bottles of perfume that are floral, musky, vanilla-y and so forth, but the key is that it is made specifically for me. Even if someone else were to wear it, it just would not be the same."

"Wow, wow, wow, that's awesome. I didn't know that was possible!"

"Oh yes, it is. I have been going to him for a few years now."

"How much does that cost?"

Eden paused with a smirk, "That would be uncouth of me. If anyone is interested, they should speak to Rossi directly and get a quote."

"She pleads the fifth, everyone." Melissa laughed. "So, you are an incredible actress—"

"Thank you so much, Melissa."

"You are loved by so many globally and are in the press constantly for one glamorous look or another. How do you prioritize yourself in a demanding industry?"

With a warm smile, Eden said. "It's all about intentional choices. I have learned how to make my yes's a yes and my no's a no. I have seen the ways in which this industry has consumed people and from the beginning I have always known I did not want that to be my fate."

"So I'm hearing you give hard no's. Even to management?"

"Especially to management, absolutely. My manager is right there, he can tell you."

Asher from behind the camera nodded his head, and said, "She's telling the truth, y'all!"

The confession brought laughter out of Melissa, "Wow! For those at home, her manager is nodding."

"He knows." Eden snickered.

"Do you find it hard to balance setting boundaries and public perception? I am sure you have seen some reports of you being a 'diva'. Which by the way everyone, she has been the sweetest soul to me and the team here."

"Oh, thank you!" Eden gushed,

"But to answer your question, yes and no. It is at times frustrating that there is this perception of me being a dramatic, hissy, diva, but in the same breath I do not care. I don't care because I know how my makeup is supposed to look, I know how I need my hair, I know what is and isn't flattering on my body. I will refuse to step out with foundation that is two shades lighter, because it is unacceptable. I will refuse to step out with my hair looking crazy, because it shouldn't have to look crazy. We are all professionals getting a job done, we should do it well and be held accountable."

"I one hundred percent agree, I think ours so important for us women to learn how to set boundaries. How does this boundary-setting translate in your personal life? As in, with your boyfriend?"

"Melissa, now you know what you are doing." Eden teased, laughing at the failed attempt.

"Everyone is vying to know!"

"I'm not in a relationship. But should I enter one I'll be sure to let you personally know, how about that?"

"Fair enough." Melissa warmly smile back, a genuine kindness in her eyes. "Next, we are going to get into nutrition and how to manage that with busy schedules."

In the podcasts conclusion, Eden shared more on her personal experiences with wellness and mindfulness. To the younger listeners, she emphasized perseverance, curiosity and confidence. Challenging listeners to embrace challenges and explore their own values and goals.

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