Chapter 19

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Eden embodied a vision of glamor.

With Audrey and Asher just a few feet behind her, she stepped onto the red carpet in a breathtaking gown that shimmered like the night sky. The dress, a masterpiece of crystals and silk, hugged her figure with grace, while cascading, romantic waves framed her radiant face.


"Eden Grace, over here!"

"Eden! To your right!"

Camera flashes danced around her as she confidently posed, every step a statement of sophistication. The world watched in awe as Eden epitomized the ideal red carpet moment.

Asher led Eden to red carpet reporter, Brooklyn Wise, who quickly waved her camera man down as she saw Eden approaching.

"Oh my gosh, everyone! We have Eden Grace Hydari here with us!" Brooklyn turned to Eden, "You look absolutely stunning, who are you wearing?"

"This is a custom piece by Ajoke, she's a British designer and I'm just in love with her creativity. When her people connected with mine, we knew it was a match made in Heaven."

"Clearly! This gown is gorgeous! And don't get me started on the jewelry! Ah! A moment! Please give us all the details!"

Eden felt a pang in her stomach, she maintained her composure. She said, "This necklace was recently gifted to me actually, you will have to ask them about where it was purchased."

"Ah, a gift I see. Can we safely assume that it was by the same person who gifted you that rock on your finger?"

Eden ever so graciously smiled, "I hope you enjoy the show."

Asher held Eden's hand as she stepped back onto the carpet and led her into the building. He lowly said, "Great job, kid."

As the doors swung open to the illustrious venue, the air buzzed with excitement.

Eden found herself inside, surrounded by the pulsating energy of Hollywood's elite. The grand hall was adorned with golden accents, and the atmosphere was a blend of anticipation and glamor.

Spotlights roamed, casting a soft glow on the attendees, each one a luminary in their own right.

Eden was led to her row, barely covering ground, from the frequent stops to greet or be greeted by attendees.

At Eden's section was the director of Cedar's Eve, the director's wife,, Sergio, Asher, Audrey, Sarah, Sam, Moni, Mateo and Levi.

Mateo stood up and gave Eden a big hug. "Look at you! Eden! It's been months!"

"Mmm." Eden nodded, taking her seat. She was not in the mood for conversation, and certainly not in the mood for Mateo.

She took her seat next to Levi, still wordless. Despite the frustration Levi felt, he delighted not to see Eden so nervous.

He reached over and held her hand, then bringing it up to his mouth to give the back of her hand a kiss.

The moment, to others, appeared as a small display of affection. However, to Eden, that little kiss had meant the world. As the award show started and the opening speech began, Eden continued to consider how Levi had continually extended his love and kindness.

Often without return of the same intensity.

There was no more question on what she was to do. The choice was suddenly easy. Levi was the kind of man that Eden knew she would need to either marry or set free entirely. He was not deserving of the emotional rollercoaster she had entrapped him on.

Though lights in the room lowered and the spotlight was on the stage, Eden's eyes fixed on Levi.

My dream, she thought, MY dream.

Her mind continued to wander through the ceremony. She clapped when it was time to clap. Laughed when it was time to laugh.


Asher shook Eden's shoulder with excitement, "This is your time, sweetheart! Get ready."

Eden focused back into the room. The presenters were opening the envelope for "Best Actress".

Her heart sank, her hand held on to Levi's tighter.

"And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to..."

The room fell deathly silent...

"Eden Grace Hydari!"

The room erupted in thunderous applause, and Eden, overwhelmed with emotion, got up to begin her ascent up the stage.

Everyone in her section jumped up, roaring in celebration.

"THAT IS WHAT I'M F*****G TALKING ABOUT! LETS GO!" Asher shouted before hugging Eden tightly. "What did I tell you, kid? I told you! Did I lie?!"

After peeling herself off of Asher, she only then noticed Sam, who was still seated and crying uncontrollably. The sight brought forth the tears she was suppressing like a broken dam.

Levi grabbed her quickly to kiss her forehead, "I'm proud of you, baby. Go give your speech."

The room was still filled with applause as Eden walked up the stairs and stood in front of the podium.

Holding the shiny, golden, coveted trophy in her hands, the moment felt surreal. Tearfully yet elegantly she started her speech.

"Wow, I stand here so humbled, truly, I am grateful...I have so many people to thank for this moment, I don't know where to begin."

Eden took a deep breath.

"To all the dreamers out there, to you I say: Embrace the uncertainty and hold on to those ambitions. Let your dreams be the constellations that guide you, your dreams are not too big. This trophy is a collection of dreams fulfilled not just for me but for my community, my family and all those women and girls in the world who have dared to dream. Thank you to my family, Sarah, Moni, Sam. I thank my team, I know it is not an easy journey with me but Asher and Audrey, you both mean so much to me. I thank the team at Cedar's Eve that launched me into this moment and believed in my dream."

Eden put a hand on her quickly beating heart, flashing her million dollar smile as she held back tears.

"And I want to thank Levi Moore, the love of my life and my closest friend, thank you for being my dream. Thank you everyone, goodnight!"

Eden blew a kiss to the audience before walking off the stage.

The audience stood in admiration, witnessing Eden's unforgettable moment as she etched her name into the history of cinematic excellence.

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