60 - Vaaris

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Then, Hania's mouth slowly curled upwards as she studied the ultrasound's imagery on the monitor. Her lush green iris' caught onto the screen with her other hand probing Meerab. There was an assuring expertise and confidence to every hand movement, coming to a pleasant conclusion. ''Bacche theek hain,'' she provided the comforting news that they desperately craved. (The babies are fine.)

Further still, their ears stood tall, only more intrigued.''Bacche? Plural?'' Meerab spluttered, her eyes ever-widening at the unexpected news. (Kids?)

''Kya matlab?'' Murtasim's voice fought in a higher octave, laced in an equal mixture of shock and apprehension. He was resistant to believe his hearing, even though it had never failed him before. (What do you mean?)

Unable to wait for clear answers, Murtasim's legs automatically straightened into rods at the statement and he got up from his seat to get a glimpse of the black and white screen himself. He was simply unable to resist from tilting the screen towards himself. Displayed on it, were two little kidney beans amongst the murky background, vibrating with life. His jaw fell slack as the image could only mean one thing - twins.

''Congratulations, you're having twins. I can hear both the heartbeats clearly. Your babies look healthy to me, Mr and Mrs Khan,'' Hania informed with a overflowing smile, glad to share the news and ease their burden.

Happy tears were profusely shed, saturated in relief, hope, and accomplishment. Without hesitation, Murtasim bowed to kiss his wife's hand amidst the overwhelming joy that engulfed them in a palpable cosy warmth. The news was both therapeutic and healing. Meerab sighed heavily in relief.

The nurse averted her demure gaze as the happy couple shared watery-eyed smiles, basking in the comfort of the news, of a beautiful new start. Murtasim seemingly could not let go of her delicate hand, like it was a treasure, as if she is what tethered him to reality, as she embodied the dream. ''I'm so happy Meerab,'' he mumbled against her knuckles. ''Thank you.''

Pulled into the tide of wonderment, they were not prepared for the proceeding information, as the nurse continued in her focused stance, her eyebrows squinting to catch onto a small details that hinted at something quite substantial.

''Is everything okay, Hania?'' Meerab quizzed at the look of concentration that settled within Hania's scrunched brows. Murtasim's hold tightened fractionally, apprehension heightening.

''Everything is perfect. I was just ascertaining the genders...'' she trailed, gliding the cool machinery against Meerab's stomach.

Meerab's breath hitched in her throat, looking over to her husband for consolation. They were wholly unprepared. Meerab felt the cool metal of his ring against her hand, and it provided a little solace.

''Aur gender kya hai?'' Murtasim dared to ask, his voice uncharacteristically wavering whilst looking at the fortune teller-like nurse, that was both mystical and whimsical, opening a portal into their future. (What is the gender?)

''Murtasim, I want a boy for the gaddi,'' Meerab found herself whispering. Her pointed chin lifted up to meet him, the nurse blurring into the background as a benign bystander.

''Beti acchi hogi, tumhari tarah,'' he countered within the same breath. It was a candid admission. His lungs constricted in rapidly bubbling anticipation. (A daughter would be nice, one like you.)

Their gazes locked, enthralled at the idea of two babies, two blessings, two bundles of life, being welcomed into their home in a single moment. A single unit which compromised of half Khan and half Malik, but completely perfect and innocent.

Between them, a thousand silent affirmation transpired, of togetherness, ambition to tread the journey hand in hand, aspirations of a family that was equally parts of both of them, falling much deeper in love. Somehow, it didn't matter which baby they'd get, as long as they were together.

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