Chapter 1 - UOC

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Unknown POV

I kinda feel dizzy. The bed creaked and I sat up. Rubbing my eyes , I searched for my phone. The brightness killing my eyes , ' Wait , Why am I seeing a picture of a kid holding a grey fluffy cat , No this isn't mine ' . Then I looked around my surroundings , This isn't my house , I touched myself and realized that I have a thin fit frame. I flung the bathroom door open and ran to the mirror  ' Shia , Who is this kid ? What happened to me ? ' . The phone rang with the caller id " Phi Tang ", I'm so confused but that doesn't change the fact that I have switched souls with this kid and that I have no idea on how this happened to me or Where my original body is at the moment ? . ' Pull myself together Thi ' I mumbled under my breath and attended the call . 

P'Tang : Nong Fod , Where are you ? They are searching for you.

Fod : Who is Fod ? Who is searching for me ?

P'Tang : Shiaa , Nong  You , I mean your lovely name is Fod. Now, get your ass to the university right now. The seniors are searching for you , Don't tell me that you forgot about our department's Final year seniors graduating party, You are the incharge of welcoming them idiot. The party starts in an hour and the participants list is missing , Do you sense the urgency in the situation now ? 

Fod : So, I am Fod. Since you are talking about senior , graduation blah blah , I must be a college student. Wait , How old am I ?

P'Tang : Ai Sat , What the hell are you blabbering about ? Are you drunk by any chance ?

Fod : No I am sober as hell

P'Tang : Then , Get here asap you idiot.

Fod : But , Which Univer-

He hung up, ' Let me summarize the situation , I switched souls with a College student. Not a Final year and the one who called me is older than me which explains the caller id P'Tang , So I must either be a freshmen or a sophomore. And my name is Fod . That is all I know about this body. How am I supposed to be there when I have no idea which university I belong to ? oh my god..' I scratched my head in confusion. That's when a heard ~ding , I looked at his phone , I saw a floating notification about someone liking his comment. I shook my head in frustration , ' There is a way ' I screamed and opened his instagram profile. I snooped at his insta , more like I am just looking at mine given the situation.

' So his name is Fourth Nattawat and called as Fod by his close ones , Law student in University of Calmina , Freshmen and the house that I am standing in right now is his condo. Looking at his pictures , Fod is a lovely kid. How did he end up switching souls with me..'  I sighed and packed my things and headed towards the University. Luckily I graduated from the University of Calmina so it's not gonna be hard finding places or handling situations.  ' I hope I don't mess things up for this kid' I mumbled under my breath and got on the train.


' UOC ( University Of Calmina ) has changed so much in six years but at the same time it's still the same ' I exclaimed looking at my department and the place where I started chasing my dream. I walked straight , turned left , climbed the flight of stairs. From my memory , the Department Of Law is supposed to be here somewhere. I wandered a little bit. Suddenly , someone dragged me into the entrance of the auditorium. ' Nong Fod , Thank god that you are here on time . Give me the list , we have to submit it to the reception counter ' he said. I asked , ' P'Tang ? ' . ' Yes Fod.  Are you alright ? You are looking like a panda with those eye bags Fod ' he asked.  ' Good thing , I got the right person' I mumbled under the breath and placed the papers on his hand. Actually , to be honest I had no idea where these so called list will be. So, I just searched his place and shoved the papers that I found inside a blue folder . 

P'Tang went through the documents while nodding looking at a list of names. ' Okay then , Let's submit this at the reception and I will take you to eat at our place ' he said while chuckling and patting my stomach. When did he even notice that my stomach had been growling for a while. I smiled at his  gesture.


note : ------- This the symbol of scene change , imagine a transition of your choice.

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