Chapter 22 - Numbers

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Fod/Thi POV

We sat down on the dinner table with all the photos numbered and lined up cleanly and case reports stuck on the board. I looked at the phots from the first to the last in a different perspective, No. 18 caught my attention. ' Were you Physics olympiad champion Gem ? ' I said pointing at the photo that I was holding at the moment. ' Yes ' He said. ' This is a special badge given to the olmpiad champions in the physics department. My school St.Holy angels  had this special thing to give a start shaped badges made with silver. I guess they still do ' I said. ' First of all , Phi I graduated from HIS(Harrow International School). We don't have this badge thing. Most importantly , all these photos on the table are the the ones we took at the crime scene there's none belonging to me ' he said sending chills down my spine. 

We ran through the case files , ' Phi , the fifth victim Ms.Reena was a student of St.Holy Angels ' said Gemini. ' Shia , So we were right ' I sat down on the floor. ' I will call P'Korn  and you look at the photos once again ' I said to Gem and ran to my bedroom to get my phone. 

' Hello phi , We found the evidence to back up theory. That bastard really left behind clues on purpose thinking we could never find him ' I said. ' I will  pass  this to the team and will call you back after the meeting ' said P'Korn hung up in hurry. I came back to the hall to see Gemini in confusion , I tapped him. ' Phi , look at this. Do you see something ? ' he said. All I could was a black mark on the wall. ' It looks like a dirt ' I said. ' That's what I thought too but , look at this ' He showed me the enlarged and processed images on his phone . ' 2.. 23....123.. They are numbers Phi. And every victim's house has one ' he said sending a shock wave . ' Is it like a door number , or the neighborhood kids scribbling ? I don't know ' he said. ' No Gem , Look at the way it's written . That's defintely an adult . We need to check this ' I said and we drove to the klong Toei area. I stood at the main gate of Ms.Mook and looked on the wall ' 2 ' a number was written in cursive.' It's really here ' I exclaimed. ' Phi , you need to see this ' yelled Gemini from the next door. He pointed at the wall , ' 1223 ' . They were numbers. ' Phi , I think all the houses have this number ' he said . I drove back to Hua Lumpong , Chong Nonsi , Siam and Sam Yan. All the houses in the neighborhood that these numbers. I called P'Korn and informed the things we found, He confirmed my predication that it must have been the killer who wrote it. We looked around the Fifth victim's house for any new belonging to prevent the sixth victim. We couldn't find anything So, we came back home.


' We need to find out the meaning behind the numbers Gem ' I said Pulling all the case reports we have. ' Is it like a random number to keep account of things ? ' he said. ' I don't think so , I am sure that it means something and has a strong connection with the victims , What could it be ' I sat down on the floor trying to collect my thoughts. We both were pulling our hair in frustration. I played back my memories from the day we went to the first victim Ms.Mook's house , the simulation on how he could have killed them , Us taking the statements of the neighborhood people with P'Korn , the small details about the victims, the routes they took, the house they lived , who they lived with ....? ' then it struck me like a thunder. ' I got it Gem ' I yelled ran back to the halls sorting the photos. ' What are they Phi ' Gem said while helping me. 


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