Chapter 15 - Game

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Unknown POV

I changed from one channel to another all reading the same news , " Mayor Plum Jumpol signs the contract for the re-development near the national stadium " I mocked the voice in annoyance. ' That damn bald government oldie stole my spotlight ' I mumbled under my breath and cleaned the mess my brother made. I have an older brother working at Serong Electronics , he visits me once in awhile especially when he's drunk. I am at my limit , maybe I should just silence him like others , I laughed at that thought.

~ Beep Beep

My alarm rang , I guess it's time for some fun. I checked the lock on the wooden box and made my way out. ' Ahh the sunshine , Shit irritates me ' I thought to myself. I hovered around Sam Yan for few hours , As expected the yellow lines make my day. ' Who are those two people ? I don't think I have seen them with the police force or the forensic team. What are they doing with the camera ? Haa What are those police guards doing , these youtubers hanging around the house and they leave it to happen, irresponsible bastards. Guess I will see my artwork soon in a viral video ' I snickered and  left the place. 


' Walking around middle of night , Might end a man's life with that innocent face ~ ' I sang to the tune and moved the last batch of boxes. Someone tapped my shoulder , I turned around to a girl mouthing some shit. I took out my airpods and leaned in to hear what she's trying to say. ' 先生、この住所をご存知ですか?( Do you know this address sir ? ) ' she said showing me a paper. I  stared at her , she hurriedly took out her phone and typed something and spoke again , ' Sorry , Khuṇ rū̂cạk s̄t̄hān thī̀ nī̂ h̄ịm kha ? '. I nodded saying , ' ここからは近いです。 見せてもらいたいですか?( It is close from here. Do you want me to show you ? ). She was surprised , ' はい' ( Yes ) ' she said and we walked down the road. ' 友達を訪ねていますか?( Are you visiting a friend ? ) ' I asked. 'いいえ、そのアパートに引っ越します( No , I am moving into that apartment).  'あなたの日本語はとても上手です ( Your Japanese is so good ) ' she said.

' いや、苦手なんです( No , I am not that good ) ' I said , she smiled and looked around admiring the sunset. ' あなたの家族は家にいますか? 荷物の移動を手伝ってほしいですか? (Your family is at home ? Do you want me to help move the luggage ?) I asked pointing at her suitcases. ' 一人ですんでいます。 スーツケースを移動するのを手伝ってください ( I live alone. Please help me move the suitcases ) she asked smiling. I nodded.

After moving those stuff , I went back to the garage. ' Haha, Is she naive ? Nah I would call that stupidity. What a gem , It's time to rewind my game. These police bastards acting smart releasing that image, it's been four weeks and no updates in the investigation. Those idiots are thinking that I am fool , I am sure that they don't have any crucial evidence. That means even with that image they can't find me . What waste of that darn tax money. let's spice things up ' I thought to myself while sucking on the lollies that lady gave me.


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