𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑡𝑤𝑜

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It was pouring so heavily that afternoon in the courtyard where Harry said he'd meet me with the others , I was about to leave instead but i just stood in the Hallways of the courtyard
maybe they're waiting here for me. I sighed and made my way back inside , hoping to find them in the hallways. But as I walked through the empty corridors I realized that they were nowhere to be found. Maybe they had gone back to the common room but we have class afterwards so for that I stayed and waited.

5 minutes...10minutes. I Don't think they'll be here anymore . I started walking out till-


I turned to the corner of the corrider, I heard my name being called. I stopped in my tracks, wondering if its them. And it was - Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all standing in front of me

"You took longer than we thought" Harry said, his voice laced with concern. "Did you find your locket?"
"You keep disappearing on us" Ron asks suspiciously. The fact Draco is always the one who keeps pushing my time limits .luckily after our bet , it won't be happening much.

"I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly mates , I was asking around in the library for it. I don't know what would I do without it. Its the only thing I have of my parents" I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I had been searching for my locket in the library, and it was the one things I couldn't afford to lose. It was my only connection to my parents, and it kept me going through hardships.

"Its fine , now lets go potion class before snape decides to give us detention."
We made our way to class, with Harry and Ron teasing each other and Hermione trying to keep the peace with me and share small talks .

"Because of my time turner and going to two classes at the same time , I have indeed extra work to finish later after this very class"
"It must be hard to manage all that but I know you'll do fine ...just remember not to do so next semester or year" .

We made our way down to the dungeons for our potions class , i spot professor Mcgonngel in her own classroom, diligently grading papers , I couldn't help but think if maybe she knows something about my powers , she taught me enough to know how to control it .

I turned to my friends and muttered, "Hey.... you guys head down and I'll catch up". Without telling them where .
"Where she going now?" Ron says

I walk in transfiguration class but she seems too focused .I found myself standing in front of Professor McGonagall, interrupting her work without even excusing myself. She jumped in surprise.

"Goodness Y/n you gave me quite a fright there" her glasses slipping down the bridge of her nose. I took a deep breath and asked her,
"My apologies , I just came here to tell you something if you have a spare time , I won't be here for long since I have Potions afterwards"

"Go on"

"My powers had been shapeshifting on their own, even in my sleep. It used to be a minor inconvenience, but now it was becoming harder to control. I had tried researching or maybe spells, but nothing seemed to work. I was afraid that if I didn't find a solution soon, my powers would cause bigger problems in the future.... im not saying your lessons didn't help , it did but this time...its like it had its on spirit of my mind , I sense that deep in me professor" she stands silent in her chair giving things a thought .

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you. I have taught you everything I know about controlling your powers but I will keep it in mind if i do" professor McGonagall was one of the most knowledgable witches in hogwarts , if someone would have an idea about something like it would be her , if not , no one can .

"Its alright , it was just a thought of maybe you'd know ..thank you professor" i leave with a smile to make sure i valid her time at least .I thanked her and left for my potions class. I


I was already one minute late ! . Should've went to professor McGonagall after class , i was too eager to ask her.

Professor Snape was indeed strict and I didn't want to give him any reason to deduct points from Gryffindor. As I reached the door, I could hear his unmistakable voice already lecturing the class. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to face his wrath.

But the door was nearly open and the professor was already facing the Slytherin students, his back towards me. Without hesitation, I tiptoed silently towards an empty place at the back of the class. But as tiptoed slowly there , I noticed from a far a book and a set of potion ingredients neatly placed on the desk between Harry and Ron. I guess it was already prepared before it got here or they'd saved it for me. I peered around to see if anyone had noticed my late entrance, but my classmates seemed too absorbed in the professor's teaching.

That's when I noticed Hermione's intense gaze on me, urging me to wait before going in further. Confused, but I make a run for it anyways. I paused in the middle of class when professor snape was about to turn in my direction almost half away from being in place next to the boys. I am gonna be busted for sure .

"PROFESSOR" Draco suddenly calls out drawing Snape's attention towards him .

The professor gave him a stern look for interrupting his lesson, making several classmates turn to stare at him. But Draco seemed unperturbed as he continued "Say ....Did I tell you , you look splendid today" .

I held back a chuckle at his audacity. Just an hour ago, I bet him to be friendlier if he could actually get on my side of tje circle which I don't want him to win by the end of the year and here he was, and now he  just saved me from getting into trouble?. It was both funny and shocking, considering our long-standing rivalry. But deep down, I felt a twinge of gratitude towards which I'll definitely refuse to show it to him .

I cup my hand over my mouth for almost letting out a laugh. As he was distracted, I make a move before he really turns in my direction. I ran over to the empty place , swoop between Ron and harry taking a breath out , relieved that I wasn't caught or else I'm dead meat.

Professor Snape's voice cut through the classroom. "Mister Malfoy, cutting in like that in my class is not tolerated or points will be taken from Slytherin"

Draco's smile faltered for a moment before he quickly composed himself and replied, "Sorry, Professor. Couldn't help notice that black robe of yours, really brings out your eyes".

The class erupted into laughter, causing Snape's scowl to deepen. I hate to say it but admired Draco's quick help in responding. The proffesor turns around at our table and stood staring at me in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"Luminhood....did u just came in" Professor Snape asks and I act stupid .

"I was here this whole time professor" Trying to sound oblivious as i could.

"Very well" and carried on to his teaching.

Ron leans to the side to whisper "That was a close one y/n"
" if it wasn't for Draco goofing off" That slightly unexpected from the first day , thought he might give it a thought before even starting but I doubted that too easily .I guess this bet might be fun for the mean time . Everyone seemed to laugh about it except for pansy . She seems very pissed off from Draco helping me get in class this way, did he not tell her about the bet .If not , imagine her knowing , she'd be mad than she is right now . Her glowering like that at me , made me feel like she was about to murder me . It looks her and Draco are close or she's just insane....

"Page 106 , Wiggenweld Potion" the sound of rustled paper flipping filled the room.

"Can someone tell me what is the effects of Wiggenweld potion"

Hermione as always , raises her hand
"Granger" Professor Snape permissions her to speak

"It is a powerful healing potion that can be used to heal injuries, or reverse the effects of a Sleeping drought"

"And Draught of living death , now i want each of you to follow the instructions and Ingredients on how to brew one , ...begin"

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°~||𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ||~°

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