'You ready for a new year, Pix?' I said as Pix preen her feathers.
'If it means witnessing you growing into a mess, then no,' Pix replied with sarcasam
'Aunt Leeeeeee!' I snitched. Pix had been given free rein to act out all summer, and I was tired of the constant bickering and humiliation.
'Fine, fine,' she sighed, 'I'm ready for a brand new year, good ol' bird.' She harshly shoved her head into a bowl of seeds in disappointment , she would rather be with me instead with Lee at all times .
'Should've asked Herit,' I muttered to myself. 'Where is he anyway?'
'Y/n, breakfast is ready,' Lee called from downstairs.
'In a minute,' I replied as I headed downstairs towards the kitchen. My gaze wandered to the dining table, where everything was already set. Lee was tending to the tea on the stove.
Before I could take a seat, my eyes caught sight of a picture lying on the table. It depicted a long-haired redhead in a black, long-sleeved top and pencil skirt. She seemed to be rocking out to punk music.
'You looked so beautiful--- still a rebel I see'
I picked up the picture and studied it closely. 'You were so happy,'
'I was,' Lee agreed. 'Those were some of the best years of my life.'
I felt longing as I imagined what it must been to grow up to hogwarts with my parents.
'I wish I could have met them,' I said softly, referring to my father.
'I wish to see them too once more,' Lee replied. 'But I know he would have been very proud of you.'
I smiled at her. 'Thank you, Lee.'
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As I finally sat down to eat, I contemplated with my thoughts about Draco. I usually told Lee everything, but this felt different. Would she support my feelings like Hermione, or would she react like Harry?.There are some thing I like to keep it personal but ...should I? Or should confess that how come my mom was Slytherin .
A sudden crash made me look up. Lee's teacup had shattered on the floor.
'Wow, Lee...What happened?' I asked, conceernigly.
'Hand slipped, sorry love,' she replied calmly.
I made a move to help, but she seemed to have it under control. Grabbing another teacup from the kitchen drawer, she returned to the table and nonchalantly changed the subject. 'How's it going with Harry? Did he like the biscuits?'