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i finally got home after this tiring day of university. i layed down on my bed to rest a bit before i got into my casual home clothes. i suddenly remember i have to text fyodor. i grabbed my phone and the note he gave me.

i started typing in his phone number and once i was done, i saved him to my contacts as "fyodor ❤️" and finally texted him.

fyodor ❤️

hiiii fyodor, this is nikolai
aka the boy u asked out on
a date this saturday

oh hi there! yes i'm still
going home so i'll text
you once i'm home

oh alright! get home safely

i will!


while he's still going home, i might as well go eat. i went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge that i could eat. i ended up grabbing some blueberry yogurt and eating it.

after eating it, i threw out the pack it was in and washed my spoon before going back to my room. i was extremely bored so i decided to just play some games on my phone. but as soon as i was gonna play one game on my phone, he texted me.

fyodor ❤️

hii i'm home


wanna discuss our date

yep! i just want to know
what comedy movie we're
gonna watch

you'll see. it's coming out
exactly this friday so it's
gonna be perfect

oooooh i'm so excited

i was gonna take you to a
horror movie that's coming
out tomorrow but dazai
told me you don't like horror
movies but then he told me
you prefer romance, comedy
and drama movies

yes it's true. i once watched
a horror movie and then i
couldn't sleep all night. worst
thing is that i live alone so i
didn't have anyone that could
hug me and have near me

awwwww poor you. don't
worry we're watching a
comedy movie not a horror
movie so you're fine

i'm glad you at least care for
me and such

ofc i'm caring for you. i
never cared like this for
anyone else

awww. you're so boyfriend
and husband material

thank you, i'm trying my
best. also, for the date, you
can wear anything you
want. i myself will wear
some casual others cause
it's not like we're going to
a fancy restaurant

hehe alright. and yeah i
prefer going on dates to
fancy restaurants when
i'm actually dating the

makes sense

mhm. i'll go play some games
cause i was just about to do so
but then you texted me

alright, i won't disturb you
so have fun <3

thank you fedya <3

i hope you don't mind me
calling you that

oh yeah call me anything
you want kolya

alright fedya. see you <3

see you <3


i giggled at the heart symbols we sent each other. i went to play games on my phone and i had lots of fun doing so since i like playing games. maybe for a second date i could ask fyodor to play games with me. welp, i just hope he will agree with it just like i also hope he will agree to being my boyfriend and then my husband.


a/n : sorry for short chapter, i decided this will be a filler chapter. i'll try to make the next chapter with the date longer than this and the first chapter. please be patient with me. thank u my sweethearts. <3

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