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a/n : another chapter full of fyolai texts cuz why not lol


i put my book down, of course i was reading a book, and i grabbed my phone to see no new notifications. amazing.

after unlocking my phone, i went to whatsapp to text my wifey, of course nikolai, and check up on him.

my wifey ❤️

heyyy baby!

how are you doing?

oh hi babe!

i'm alright to be honest

my nurse said that my
next checkup on our
daughter is in two weeks

awww that's just amazing


i can't wait when in half
a year i'll be a mother

and you'll be a father

i'll love our daughter a
lot no matter what

me too

oooh also

i've been looking at girl
names that give kinda
slavic vibes

what if we named our
daughter alexandra?

idk, i just like that name

i mean, we can give her
that name if you really
want to cause i don't mind

then we'll go for naming
her alexandra?



and you yourself, what
are you doing?

just read a book before
messaging you

awww of course you'll be
reading a book

there's three things i can't
live without

and they are?

books (best thing in the world)

mayonnaise (i'm russian so
what did you expect?)

my wifey (you)

saved the best one for later

you're making me blush


i'm double blushing

me being the best one

and you calling me your

i mean, you are my wifey
so why wouldn't i call you
that? 🤨

i'm only your wifey

and you're my only hubby

i'm only your hubby

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