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i woke up and it was 9:51 am. i slowly tried to get up and stretched out. i looked to my bed and saw nikolai and emi still sleeping. nikolai had one of his arms on emi and was facing her. i quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of the two.

i got out of my bed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. it seemed like everyone was still asleep.

while i was eating my toast and drinking my coffee while scrolling through tiktok, i suddenly heard footsteps and looked behind me to see emi walking into the kitchen, somehow she was already energetic.

"hey there emi sweetie! did you sleep well last night?" i asked her with a soft voice.

"yes! i had a dream that i woke up to my closet being full of my favorite candy. it was heaven!" emi said happily.

"that's great to hear! do you want some toast and some tea or hot choco?" i asked her.

"if i can have toast with cheese and tomatoes and some hot choco then yes!" she said happily.

"on it!" i said.

i got up from my chair and started making the toasts for her while also making hot choco for her.

"how much toast do you want?" i asked her.

"just two will be fine" she said.

"alrightyy" i said.

i made two sandwiches with cheese and tomato for her before putting them in my toaster. while waiting, i made her some hot choco, since the water in the kettle was still hot, and once it was done, i went and opened the fridge to get a carton of milk to pour it into her hot choco.

once i was done with everything, i put the toasts on a plate.

"do you want them cut into triangles or just leave it like it is?" i asked.

"if you could cut them into triangles that would be amazing" she said.

"gotcha!" i said.

i grabbed a knife and started cutting her toasts into triangles.

once i was done with cutting the toasts, i grabbed the plate with toasts and cup of hot choco and put it on the table next to her.

"here's as you asked. two toasts cut into triangles and a cup of hot choco. enjoy your breakfast sweetie" i said.

"thank youu! you're the best!" she said.

i chuckled and she started eating the toasts and drinking hot choco. i went back to eating my own toasts and drinking my cup of coffee.

while still eating, i started watching a show on my phone instead.

the show was сваты (svaty), a ukrainian comedy show.

while i was still watching, eating and drinking, and emi was also still eating and drinking, nikolai walked into the kitchen and sat down next to me and layed his head down on my shoulder. i looked at him.

"good morning baby" i said.

"good morning babe" he said.

"you can make yourself some toast. there's bread, cheese, tomatoes and ham on the counter. and you can make yourself some tea, coffee or hot choco too" i said.

"alright thanks babe" he said.

"you're welcome baby" i said.

he got up and went to make himself something too.

i turned off the show on my phone and got off youtube before looking at nikolai and back at my phone. i picked up my phone and wanted to show him the photo i took earlier.

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