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me and fedora were going to the mall.

"so we're going to make pizzas, home made chips and some more stuff?" she asked.

"yes" i said.

"i was thinking we could invite our lovers over to join us in the eating" she said.

"i mean, we can" i said.

"mhm. also i need to run into a make up store to buy more lipstick, nail polish and mascara" she said.

"nikolai needs new lipgloss so i have to get it for him, being the good boyfriend i am for him" i said.

"alright so from the grocery store we need pizza dough, cheese, ham, salami, potatoes, grape juice, what else?" she tried to memorize everything.

"we need more tea too" i said.

"oh yes right! then from the make up store we need lipstick, nail polish, mascara and lipgloss" she said.

"yep. that's everything we need. from the grocery store we can of course grab more stuff than we need" i said.

"definitely!" she said.

whenever me and fedora go grocery shopping together, we always grab what we need and also some other stuff. our family is rich anyways so it doesn't matter.

"oh wait, we need rat food too" i suddenly remember.

"oh yes right!" she said.

"so we need to visit the grocery store, the pet store and the make up store" i said.

we have a long day ahead of us.

we finally got to the mall and went inside.

we decided to go grocery shopping first.


we left a total of a hundred bucks at the grocery store since we bought a lot.

"okay, should we go to the pet shop now?" fedora asked me.

"yes. i'll go into the store myself so you can look after the bags" i said.

"alrightyyy" fedora said.

we went next to the pet store and she stopped at the entrace and i continued to go into the store. i went up to the cashier.

"hello sir! how can i help you today?" the cashier asked me.

"yes hello. can i buy two hundred fifty grams (250g) of rat food?" i asked.

"yes of course! give me a moment!" the cashier said.

i nodded and the cashier went off to get some rat food.

once she got back, she made sure it was 250g and made calculations of the price.

"two bucks and thirty cents" the cashier said.

i pulled out my wallet and handed her two bucks and thirty cents. she gave me the bag with rat food.

"have a great day!" the cashier said.

"thanks, you too" i said.

and with that, i went out of the pet store.

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