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i was in my last class of the day. pe with sigma and dazai. we were playing volleyball together. fyodor has his culture class so we obviously don't have our last class together.

"do you guys want to go rest now?" dazai asked.

"yep!" sigma said.

"of course" i said.

dazai went to put the volleyball down and all three of us sat down at the bench.

"honestly pe sucks as the last class of the day. you basically have to go back home all sweaty" sigma said.

"the fact i'm going out with chuuya for a coffee immediately after school makes it worse for me" dazai said.

"i have to go to fyodor's house to do a geography project with him immediately after school" i said.

"i'm free after school so i don't care" sigma said.

we were just talking about random stuff and it was just 12 minutes away from all classes ending but someone appeared. it was none other than fyodor. i thought he was in culture class but i guess they were let go earlier.

"fyo, don't you have culture class like right now for another 12 minutes?" dazai asked.

"oh yes i do! but the teacher said that since it's the last class of the day, if you finished work earlier you could go home. i finished my work rather early so i could go but since i have to go with nikolai to my home to do the geography project i decided to come here" fyodor said.

"ohhh alright" dazai said.

i went to cuddle my way into fyodor's arms and it was successful as he wrapped his arms around me.

"chuuya is probably suffering in maths right now. he hates maths" dazai said.

"justice for chuuya" fyodor said.

i sat myself down prettily on fyodor's lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. like that i wasn't really showing off that i'm fyodor's future wife. i leaned down on fyodor and he immediately placed his hand on my chest and looked at me.

"all mine" fyodor said to me.

i blushed at him calling me all his. to be honest that's exactly what i am. all his.

"all yours" i said.

the fact i can sleep well at night knowing i have a healthy and happy relationship with fyodor (a/n : good for u mister nikolai gogol cuz the author can't since he's batman) and i love him a lot.


i was staring at sigma and looking away everytime he quickly glanced at me. he's so cute but how can i tell chuuya that i'm in love with sigma without making him upset. i saw chuuya coming right up.

"hey guys i just finished maths class and knew all of you were here" chuuya said.

"heyy there chuuya" fyodor said.

"hey fyodor!" chuuya said.

chuuya looked at me before sitting down next to me.

"dazai we need to talk" chuuya said to me randomly.

the rest of our friend group was looking at us.

"what's up?" i asked.

"i've been thinking about this for a while and i think we need to break up, i'm really sorry" chuuya said.

wow, looks like he wants to break up with me but it's okay cause i want to break up with him too. the rest of our friend group was shocked.

"can i know why?" i asked.

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