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me and sigma were together entering the university building with our late / belated valentines day gift for chuuya. we bought him some figurines and some comic books cause we found out that he likes them too.

"do you think chuuya will like the gifts we got for him?" sigma asked me.

"yes, i'm sure" i said.

we put down our coats then went inside the hall. we saw nikolai, dazai and chuuya talking at our usual spot so we went to them and they noticed us.

"oh hey there fyodor and sigma!" chuuya said.

"hiii babe and bestiee" nikolai said.

"helloo fyo and baby" dazai said.

"heyyy there you all!" sigma said.

"hiii" i just said.

"what's that bag you both got there?" dazai asked pointing at the bag.

"that's for chuuya" sigma said.

i nodded.

"why for me? it's not even my birthday yet" chuuya said.

"it's a late valentines day gift for you. me and sigma didn't want to see you get left out on gifts within our friend group so we got you this" i said.

"happy, late, valentines day chuuya, take it as a gift from the student council" sigma said.

i gave the bag to chuuya and he held it.

"i didn't really want anything for valentines day knowing i'm single ever since the break up between me and dazai. but i still appreciate that you both care for me and don't want me to get left out, so thank you, both of you" chuuya said.

"you're welcome" me and sigma said.

chuuya looked inside the bag and gasped.

"so many figurines and comic books. even a bigger thank you to both of you!!" chuuya said happily.

chuuya hugged both me and sigma tightly and we hugged him back. nikolai and dazai were just looking at us. and me and sigma of course leaned down since chuuya is short. chuuya then let go of us and continued to be happy over his gift.

"honestly it's cute how fyodor and sigma thought about chuuya too" dazai said.

"yep for sure" nikolai said.

"i now have a reason to never forget fyodor and sigma for the rest of my life" chuuya said.

"what about me? i was one of your best exes you told me that before" dazai said.

"you too dazai, don't worry" chuuya said.

nikolai stayed silent about this.

"and what about nikolai?" dazai asked.

chuuya looked at nikolai and then back at dazai.

"i don't have a reason for him" chuuya said.

i felt quite mad that my baby was being left out but it's reasonable since nikolai and chuuya never had a personal talk with each other at least once.

"it's okay chuuya. we never even talked so don't worry about me. even if i wanted to get closer with you it's okay if you won't remember me for the rest of your life" nikolai said.

"i mean if you want to get closer with me just message me privately whenever you want or whenever i'm alone you can walk up to me. but i'm not alone in university that much. i'm mostly either with all of you or with higuchi" chuuya said.

"can i message you privately later today?" nikolai asked.

"just do it, no need to ask me" chuuya said.

"okii then" nikolai said.

after the conversation, nikolai immediately started hugging me.

"heyyyy husband material boyfriend of mine" nikolai said to me.

"heyyy wife material boyfriend of mine" i said to him.

at this point it's normal for nikolai to be like this around me.

"i normally don't like people who are a bit too obsessed with their lovers but i'll make nikolai an exception" chuuya said.

"yay! thank you chuuya~!" nikolai saif happily.

"you're welcome" chuuya said.

"what about dazai? he's basically obsessed with me as well. he always calls me the love of his life and likes to kiss me" sigma said.

"he's an exception too. and damn you're lucky cause he never called me the love of his life" chuuya said.

"he never called anyone the love of his life" i said.

"what fyodor said" dazai said.

"wait so i'm the only one he has ever called someone the love of his life??" sigma asked.

"yep" i said.

"yeah" dazai said.

"this is my first relationship in my entire life, and i already feel so special" sigma said.

"you are special to me, my sigma~" dazai said with an extremely flirty tone.

"i know that now, my love" sigma said.

dazai squished and pinched sigma's cheeks.

"just like how my best friend calls your best friend, you're so cute~" dazai said.

"alright and how my best friend calls your best friend, you're hot" sigma said.

me and nikolai looked at each other.

"i feel like dazai will never leave sigma alone now" i said.

"me too so i'm scared what's gonna go on between us three in pe class" nikolai said.

"you'll probably third wheel but i'm sure they'll still include you in games" i said.

"yeah, they can't just leave me out all of a sudden" nikolai said.

"yep. plus the teacher has great memory so if she sees dazai and sigma working alone and you're not with them she'll force them into including you anyways so they both have no choice but to include you" i said.

"you know every teacher in this university pretty well" nikolai said.

"it's a benefit of being part of the student council. we have two whatsapp chats for all university staff and student council members, one for important announcements and questions both from the staff and student council, the other is for silly chitchats and just us being plain on unprofessional and such" i said.

"so from the chitchats you were able to talk with many teachers of the university and find out more about them?" nikolai asked.

"yes. and yesterday me and sigma said we would like to add on two members to the student council and for a week we are spying on the students grades and whatever two people during this one week will have the best grades will have a chance to get added to the student council" i said.

"you have access to everyone's grades?" nikolai asked.

"yes. me and sigma can view any students grades" i said.

"oooooh. are you spying on our friend group's grades too?" nikolai asked.

"obviously. and honesty i saw your grades too. they're more than great so it's something you should be proud of" i said.

"i am proud of them. i'm trying my best to be a smart boy" nikolai said.

"and you're doing great" i said.

i kissed his forehead and he giggled.


a/n : i didn't know what to do for this chapter so i'm just hoping that u enjoyed it. drink water, don't skip ur meals, stay safe and take care of urself. bye bye sweethearts! <33

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