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on tuesday


it was 4 pm, 4 hours into my shift as a waiter in my family's restaurant. i was sitting in the kitchen since i had nothing to do.

i had dropped off nikolai at the hospital before 12 pm for his surgery and afterwards i'll have to go get him but it's no problem.

while standing there on my phone, i heard someone ring the bell used to call the waiter. i put my phone down and went to look for who was ringing. i found the table and went to the two women sitting at the table.

"yes, how can i help you?" i asked.

"i'm extremely sorry if i interrupted with this stupid question of mine, but may i know, where's the bathroom?" the blonde woman asked.

"it's no big deal! and it's right there" i said and pointed at the bathrooms.

"thank you so much!" the blonde woman said.

"you're most welcome!" i said.

the blonde woman ran off to the bathroom.

"is proposing to someone in this restaurant allowed?" the brunette woman asked.

"we had someone propose here before and the owners and staff were proud of it and we had no problem with it so i'm pretty sure we accept proposing here" i said.

"alright great! i just wanted to make sure cause it's best to be safe than sorry" the brunette woman said.

"you're absolutely correct! honestly i wish you luck in the proposing and i hope she says yes to you" i said.

"thank you very much!" the brunette woman said.

the blonde woman returned from the bathroom and i went back to the kitchen since i had no other stuff to do.

another hour later

it was an hour away from my shift ending and i suddenly got a call from the hospital. i picked it up and put my phone to my ear.

nurse / fyodor

hello there! is this fyodor dostoevsky that we're calling?

yep, it is! why?

nikolai gogol's surgery has finished and everything went well and he himself is doing alright. he's ready to be taken home

can you keep him there for another hour? i'm at work right now and i can't leave until my shift is over in an hour

yes sure we can! we'll be waiting for you


the nurse hung up and i went back to working since i once again heard the bell ring from a different table.

at the hospital


i was sitting on the bed, back in my normal clothes after the surgery. i wasn't feeling much pain and i was feeling happy about my own body. i got to see what it looks like between my legs now and i was feeling great.

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