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i finally got to my university and went to the second floor to grab my books and notebooks for today from my locker, while i was walking to my locker, i saw a familiar face.

"why hello there my love!" the familiar face said.

the familiar face was kouyou, my girlfriend. me and her have been dating for the past three years now and our relationship just gets better everyday.

"ah! hello there babe!" i said.

i left a kiss on kouyou's cheek.

"you know, i'm still so proud of you for winning the most talented student of this university, you really have lots of talents it's just a miracle" she said.

"i knowww. i'm proud of myself too. seeing the student council up close made it a bigger miracle. i kind of want to be friends with fyodor because we have the same hairstyle, black hair and shoulder length, but i'm too shy" i said.

"at that point you should also be friends with mori since all three of you are black and shoulder length haired people. the hair triplet trio" she said.

"i mean, fyodor and mori are already friends, i can be friends with them both and we can make a trio" i said.

"let's go to mori first!" she said and started dragging me.

she was dragging me to mori.

once we got to mori, he was with fukuzawa, his boyfriend of a few months.

"mori!!" kouyou shouted loudly.

fukuzawa and mori looked at us.

"yes, kouyou?" mori asked.

"yosano wants to be friends with you and fyodor to start a trio as the hair triplet trio since all three of you have black shoulder length hair" kouyou said.

"hmmm, i personally don't mind it, i'm sure fyodor won't mind it either, but you can ask him too" mori said.

"then let's go!" kouyou said.

kouyou continued to drag me but she started dragging mori and fukuzawa too. at this point you can't escape from her excitement.

after a bit, we finally reached the friend group that fyodor was in with sigma, dazai, chuuya and nikolai.

"fyodor!!" kouyou shouted again once we reached them.

"yeah? what's up?" fyodor asked.

the other four of them were watching.

"yosano wants to be friends with you and start a trio as the hair triplet trio with you and mori since all three of you have the same hair of having black shoulder length hair. what do you say?" kouyou asked.

"interesting" fyodor said.

"come on! accept the offer! you're already friends with mori and you should be friends with yosano too, she's an amazing girl as a whole" kouyou said.

i nodded shyly.

"i mean, sure. i don't mind being friends with yosano and starting a trio with her and mori" fyodor said.

"amazing!" kouyou said.

"yosano, you can find my phone number on the student council office door. message me through it and i'll create a group chat once i'm able to" fyodor said to me.

"alright, sure" i said.

"and you can freely talk to me, don't worry, just because i'm russian doesn't mean i'll blow your house up if you try talking with me" fyodor said.

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