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next saturday


i was out with some of my friends from middle school. they're so much fun not gonna lie. it's just four of us in the friend group but it's still fun with them.

nori, a blonde male with hazel eyes, the oldest of us all by being born in 2000. he's the parent of our group and fun to be around with.

haru, a brunette male with black eyes, the second oldest of us all by being born in 2001. in our group he's the funniest one since without even trying he's funny.

kaede, another brunette male but with blue eyes, the second youngest of us all by being born in 2002. in our group he's the therapist friend since he helps us out a lot.

then there's me, the youngest of everyone by being born in 2003. i'm the baby of this group because i'm the youngest and the only foreigner, but i'm also the confronter since people mostly know me for my kindness.

"guys!" kaede said while running up to us.

me, nori and haru looked at kaede.

"i got us all bubble tea! all your favorite flavors too!" kaede said happily.

he handed us all the bubble tea. i got forest berry flavor, my favorite.

"so i have this crush on this one cute guy" nori said.

"ooooh spill" haru said.

forgot to mention, i'm the only one in the group who's taken but they've never seen or heard me talk about my boyfriend aka fyodor.

"he's blonde just like me but with complete heterochromia like nikolai, also with one blue eye, but the other is gray" nori said.

"you should confess to him!" kaede said.

"totally agreed!" haru said.

"are you guys sure?" nori said.

"totally positive!" haru said.

"i'm sure he'll like you back, you're an amazing person after all" i said.

"thank you nikolai! i'm definitely going to confess to him the next time i see him" nori said.

"way to go!" kaede said.

i like it whenever i see or someone mentions a person with any type of heterochromia.

half an hour later

we ended up going to a restaurant. not just any restaurant, but the restaurant fyodor, and i, work in, basically the restaurant that the dostoevsky family owns.

"i love this restaurant's food so much! the black haired waiter is so kind too" nori said.

there's three waiters in this restaurant, a light brown haired man, a black haired man which is fyodor, and a white haired person which is me. so they're talking about fyodor right now.

"yes yes! he's also very helpful and intelligent too. i would be friends with him without a doubt" haru said.

"i heard he's russian and i saw from his name tag, his name is fyodor" kaede said.

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