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monday at 11:51am


i had just woken up. luckily for this entire week i don't have work so i can rest and get enough sleep. when i opened my eyes, i saw a bunch of white hair in my face and i knew it was nikolai cause he's the only one i sleep with in one bed.

i slowly tried to get up since i can't get up too quickly due to my iron deficiency anemia.

once i was out of bed, fortunately i wasn't feeling dizzy so i got out of bed slowly enough. but suddenly i felt someone grab my pajama pants.

"babe please stay" i heard nikolai say in his morning voice.

"baby i'm just going to the kitchen to drink some water i'll be right back" i said.

"hm. fine" he said.

he let go of me finally so i went to the kitchen and saw my parents, kateryna and some blonde girl with her. my parents noticed me walking into the kitchen.

"oh good morning sweetie!" my mom said.

my dad just waved at me.

"good morning fyodor!" kateryna said.

"good morning you all" i said.

i grabbed a glass and started the sink to pour in some water for myself.

"who is he?" the blonde girl asked while pointing at me.

"that's our son, fyodor, he's a 20, soon 21, year old university student and the top student of it he also made it as the president of the student council at his university" my mom said.

she oftenly uses all those facts to brag about me.

"that's so amazing! you have an amazing and an intelligent son" the blonde girl said.

"i know right, i'm so proud of him" my mom said.

suddenly nikolai appeared into the kitchen and he gasped at the sight of his mom.

"momm!" nikolai said happily before hugging kateryna tightly.

"heyyy there моє сонце ("my sun" in ukrainian)" kateryna said while hugging nikolai back.

"mom who is this woman?" nikolai asked to kateryna.

"welp, i'm taking your father's place as being your dad and this woman is now your new mom" kateryna said.

"are you being serious right now?" nikolai asked.

"yes!" kateryna said.

"well then umm, hi mom" nikolai said to the blonde girl.

"hey there nikolai, my new son! i'm akari but of course you can call me mom" the blonde girl said.

nikolai seemed nervous about having a new mom. i never even thought of kateryna liking girls cause she looked like a straight woman.

"you know kateryna, it's unexpected, at least for me, for you to even like girls cause you looked like a full on straight woman" i finally said to kateryna while pulling out a chair and sitting next to the akari girl.

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