part 6

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Niko and Aj where pretty much set for game night. Drinks where out, snacks on the table. The very forced Twister was laid out on the floor.

The two boys sat on the sofa's of the Mafia room. "I'm still pissed at that stunt you pulled"

"Bro, you have to admit, you never saw it coming" Niko replied

Aj smiled "Nah, it was a cold technique to get me to eat"

"Yeah wish we didn't burn off all the calories by running away" Niko laughed

After 5 minutes of chitchat the doorbell rang.

"That's probably Chunkz" Niko said, getting up to open the door.

"And Darkest" Aj added

All friends in Beta Squad knew the times that everyone would be likely to show up. Niko and Aj where always together and early to everything, something drilled into by Niko. Chunkz was on time, Kenny was usually fashionably late and Sharky? Well, Sharky was always about 45 minutes late all the time. These timings had just been confirmed by the 'Come dine with me' series that they had made.

Niko opened the door and, as expected, Chunkz and Darkest where standing outside.

"Wagwan, brother" Chunkz  took Niko's hand and brought him into a hug, patting him on the back.

"Yoo" Darkest smiled, doing the same as Chunkz.

"Come, Aje's in the Mafia room." Niko led his two friends to the room where Aj got up at the sight of the three taller men walking in.

"Ayy!" Aj said going up to the cousins.

The four men spent their time talking for about 15 minutes until they started to wonder where Sharky and Kenny where.

"Bro where are they?" Chunkz spoke up. "I'd have expected Kenny to be here by now at least."

"I mean, we saw Kenny and Sharky together so" Niko pointed out

"Not Sharky forcing his bad habits on Kenny" Darkest laughed

"I heard it happens when two men are in each others asses for so long" Chunkz stated, smiling

"I wanna call but I'm too afraid if they answer that I'll hear-" Darkest continued his sentence in a high pitched whiney voice "Oh Kenny! Why'd you stop Kenny?!"

Chunkz laughed his insane cackle whilst Niko started pulling and pushing Aj in laughter.

"Why- why- is-" Aj tried to speak, his voice kept cracking from laughing "Why's Sharky bottom?" He managed to get out.

"Bro he looks like he begs for dick" Darkest answered in a serious tone, although clearly joking

"Really? I thought Kenny was more submissive"

"Yeah but you see with Kenny, yeah" Darkest continued, talking as if it was a political topic "He has sex every other hour" He somehow said with a straight face "So he knows what he's doing"

Chunkz put a finger up in a joking understanding "Ah so Sharks wants a professional to show him how its done"

"EXACTLY!" Darkest for some reason shouted, out of nowhere.

"Nah but for real though, where are they?" Niko asked

"Lemme call Sharks" Aj pulled out his phone, searched for Sharky's name and called it on loud speaker.

After about 4 or 5 rings, the call was answered. "Hello..?" Was heard from Kenny in a tired out voice, like he just woke up from a nap

"Ken?!" Niko asked, confused

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