part 3

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Niko's heart sank "What..?"

Aj started to laugh "You know you really had me with the whole 'I care about your opinion' thing. But you know, this is actually lower than the rat prank if that was real"


"No don't fucking Aj me" Aj imitated his nickname

"What happened? What did I do?!"

"Nothing. You did absolutely nothing, that's what.

"Hey, stop, Aj wait a second-"


Niko stood up quickly, hands in the air in surrender "I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening!"

"Yeah like hell you don't"

"Wallahi I don't!" Aj paused. What?

Niko noticed the thought going on in Aj's mind so kept speaking "I'm sorry if I said something wrong, but just tell me what it was!"

"Just get out Niko" Aj said much calmer

Niko sighed. He had to stand his ground. He had no idea why Aj was kicking him out and he had a right to know "No. Tell me what I did"

"What part of 'get out' don't you understand?!"

"The part where you haven't explained the reason!"

Niko watched Aj's eyes. They where panicked, clearly, but Niko noticed water starting to form up in them. "Hey, hey, Aj. I'll leave, I'm sorry. I just- I'm sorry" Niko backed away, towards the door. Body still faced towards Aj. He wanted to say something else, but Niko was afraid he'd say something else stupid too.

Niko took one last glance at Aj, walked out the door and closed it.

As soon as the door closed Aj started to hyperventilate. His breathing got harsher, he was pulling and tugging on his hair "Shit..!" Aj dropped to the floor and started to cry.

My life is over. My best friend hates me and my others are snitches. The world is gonna find out I'm... shit..! Niko...

Aj's head suddenly shot up. "Chunkz. Need to.. crap" Aj got up and snatched his phone from the bed. With shaking hands, he found Chunkz's name and called it.

After a couple of rings, Chunkz answered

"Hey brother, you good now?" Chunkz asked. He thought it was best to give Aj some space and wait for him to talk to Chunkz.

"Oh yeah... I- I'm great now, thanks. You yo.. you fucking prick..."

Chunkz rolled his eyes "So you called to violate me, is it?"

"Y... Yo.. Y.. told Niko.. didn't you..?" Aj stammmered

"Told Niko what? Oi are you okay? You don't sound good"

"Fuck you ruined me.. thought we where friends..." Aj started to breathe heavily

"Woah, Aj, are you crying bro. What happened?!"

Aj couldn't reply, being too busy trying to remember how to breathe.

"Okay Aj, just breathe. Idiot, Chunkz- Aj take a breath in"

"Like I'd listen to anything yo... you'd.. say..." Aj spat back

"Bro you can't fucking breathe!"

"Good... rather die than.. have to live... you as my brother!"

"Wonderful- can you tell me what I fucking did?!"

"Don't act like you don't know!"

"Okay let's just pretend I don't. TELL ME WHAT I DID"

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