part 33

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Knife clasped in Aj's hand, the man was ready for murder. He marched out of the kitchen and towards the door. As he went to open the house door, it had already opened up from the outside.

In walked a very confused Chunkz. He had noticed Brielle walk out the house when he was getting in and she had said to him "Maybe now's not such a great idea to visit him." And skipped off. It worried Chunkz and so he opened the door with his key that he promised to use only in emergencies.

Chunkz spotted the knife that Aj was holding in his hands and immediately got inside the house and slammed the door shut.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Chunkz asked

"Get out of my way!" Aj tried to push past him.

Chunkz grabbed Aj's arms and held them down. "You're going to hurt yourself, let go of the damn shank!"

"I'm gonna kill her, Chunkz. She's gonna die." Aj said as he attempted to struggle his way out of his bigger friend's strong grip.

"What the fuck did she do?!" Chunkz asked, knowing he was talking about Brielle.

"She's recording the fucking house! She knows about me and Niko and she's gonna tell the world!" Aj wouldn't stop trying to worm his way out.

"What?!" Chunkz immediately panicked. "Okay, listen, we'll talk to her but put the fucking knife down!" He added, knowing that two people can't be stressed, especially when one of them had a knife.

"Don't you understand?! She has to die!"

"Maybe she does but I'm not gonna let you become a murderer for it!"

"I don't care what I have to do as long as our secret is safe!"

Aj was clearly not giving up, so Chunkz decided to take matters in his own hands.

"It's gonna be like that yeah?" Chunkz confirmed


"Aight say nothing." Was the last thing that Chunkz had said before he grabbed Aj's head and slammed it into the wall next to them.

Chunkz watched Aj drop to the floor, passed out.

"Sorry man, couldn't let my best friend become a killer now could I?" Chunkz sighed. He leaned down and put an arm underneath the shorter man's legs and another arm securing his waist.

Chunkz effortlessly picked his friend up, bridal style and carried him to the sofa in the living room. "How the fuck are you insecure about your weight, man?" Chunkz asked the unconscious body.

He then walked out the living room and locked its door to make sure Aj wouldn't try and escape. He went to the kitchen to go grab himself a glass of water. He was very concerned about what Aj just told him because it could very well mean the end of Aj and Niko's career. The world wouldn't be as supportive as their friends, no matter how badly they wished it would.

Chunkz walked into the kitchen and immediately came to a halt. "What the fuck..?" He whispered out. The kitchen was a damn mess and Chunkz didn't even expect this kind of crazy from Aj. He walked to the sink and sighed. He then pulled out a mug from the cabinet above it as all the glasses were seemingly broken. He filled up the mug with water and walked to the shattered area of the kitchen.

As he was drinking, the man noticed something from the corner of his eye. He placed the mug on the counter and poked his hand through the broken cupboard, picking up a broken drinking glass. These glasses were usually at the back and hadn't been used in years. With his thumb and index finger, he brought up a small, black, bug like... camera?

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