part 40

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"Fuck Amin it hurts!" Aj was laying the upper half of his body on Chunkz's chest. They were lying in Niko's bed and had both been crying for genuine hours.

"It hurts, I swear it hurts!" Aj sobbed out.

"I know Aj man, I know." Chunkz stroked Aj's hair.

"Make it stop, please... PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" Aj screamed out crying.

"Aj..." Chunkz sniffed.

"Amin why does- does it hurt this bad?!" Aj could barely breathe.

"Relax Ayaan..." Chunkz held his friend tight. He knew that this was probably so hard on Aj and literally hated how he had no control over him getting better anymore. No matter how hard he'd try, Aj's life was genuinely ruined.

"I loved him so much..." Aj cried "But he- he... he ruined me! Why did he do that?!"

"Shh, man..." Tears were streaming down Chunkz's face.

"No! IT HURTS!" Aj got up from Chunkz's chest and sat up straight on the bed.

"I can't do this anymore I swear I can't!" Aj was shaking hard.

"Yeah you can bro. You have-" Chunkz was cut off.

Aj breathed in harshly "Just kill me! Seriously just kill me, let me die!" Aj shook Chunkz weakly. 

"Yo shut the fuck up!" Chunkz gripped Aj's arms harshly.

"Please kill me, Amin..." Aj whispered, burying his head into Chunkz's chest once more, sobbing violently.

"Don't talk like that." Chunkz's heart started to ache with how Aj was acting.

"It hurts, Chunkz, so badly..." Aj cried.

"I know. But don't talk that way."

"I don't want to live anymore..." Aj said

"Bro life may seem hard now but just trust me, you're gonna get through this."

"No I won't." Aj gripped Chunkz's shirt. "I won't ever live this down. The world wants me dead."

"The world can fuck themselves. You have me. You got Sharky, Kenny and-" Chunkz stopped himself. "And Darkest..."

Aj sniffed. "No, I can't... I haven't left my house in weeks!"

"Everyone will forget about this soon. Don't worry."

Chunkz stroked Aj's hair once more, trying to calm him down. They sat in silence, not complete silence as Aj's sobs filled the room.

"Why can't I die..?" Aj asked.

"Because I love you."

Aj laughed "Why? I'm clearly unloveable."

"Don't be stupid Aj."

"No seriously, why? You've taken all this shit for me and Niko. You've gotten all this backlash and hate just because you care about us?"

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