part 41

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Niko knew it wasn't possible. Aj had so much to live for. Sure his life was a bit fucked right now, but death wasn't the way out. No, it wasn't. He had his friends who loved and cared about him. He had Niko who wanted more than anything to make his suffering end.

But then what... what is it that Niko was looking at?

Its like his mind couldn't process it.

It just isn't possible.

No... It can't be.

Aj's body hung from the ceiling. Lifeless.

"AJ?!" Niko's body couldn't move an inch. He was frozen. His eyes were lying to him. No. Aj couldn't be...

Niko screamed. It was loud and elongated. His body started up again and Niko dashed towards him. He quickly unravelled the belt around his neck and let Aj drop in his arms as Niko fell to the floor.

"Aj? Aj no please, no Aj!" Niko shook the man harshly, with tears in his eyes.

"AJ WAKE UP!" Niko begged. "AJ PLEASE?!"

Niko hyperventilated. Aj's body was newly cold and still. He was wearing one of Niko's hoodies and his neck had a dark red bruise around it.

"Aj please this isn't funny!" Niko couldn't believe what he was seeing. "AJ STOP IT! STOP, STOP IT!" Niko continuously shook Aj's body vigorously as if trying to wake him up.

"PLEASE?! I have so much to apologise for! YOU CAN'T LEAVE MAD AT ME!" Niko screamed.

Niko cried for the next couple minutes, sobbing into Aj's body. He begged him to wake up. He begged him to shout at him one more time. He begged Aj to forgive him. But Aj wouldn't answer.

Niko's breathing became fast and irregular. "Please, baby don't leave me..." Niko stroked Aj's face.

"AJ PLEASE!" Niko hugged the body tight. He then frantically searched for his phone in his pockets. He needed to call someone. His eyes were blurry from tears and his hands were shaking hard. He dialled up the first friend he recognised and prayed for an answer.

"You're going to be fine, baby..." Niko tried to convince himself.

"Hey, Niko. You good?"

"DARKEST!" Niko screamed. "Darkest he's not breathing! He- not- he isn't waking up!" Niko cried into the phone.

"Woah what?! Aj?! What happened?!" Darkest was immediately heard shuffling and keys jingling.

"I- I- went home- to talk to him-" Niko stuttered. "Found- fo- he- hanged- HE'S DEAD!"

Darkest stopped. "He hanged himself..?"


A tear ran down Darkest's face. "Nah you're chatting..."

"WHAT DO I DO?!" Niko said

Darkest didn't have a clue. He couldn't believe what he'd heard. He didn't have the time to process it. He just had to act. "Um- uh... huh?- CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Was what Darkest managed to spit out. He didn't really know if there was any point in it since hanging usually meant an automatic death. But anything was better than nothing.

"Darkest, he's dead, he's dead, Ahmed, he's dead!" Niko cried.

"CALL THE DAMN POLICE!" Darkest sprinted for his door. His wife asked him why he was crying but he didn't have the words to answer. He just shook his head, cried Aj's name and ran out the house.

"Kay..." Niko hung up the phone and dialled the police. The police sucked. They did nothing to help Aj and Niko's situation and they wouldn't do anything here. But as he clung onto Aj's body, he prayed for a miracle in them.

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