part 10

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Niko woke up, the very next morning at 10:15 in pretty much the same position he was in before he went to sleep. Aj still had his head rested on Niko's chest but he had seized one of the taller mans leg's in his own. For a split second, Niko was confused because Aj was rolled up on top of the blanket before and now he was inside it. But then Niko just guessed Aj got cold or uncomfortable and went inside the bed instead.

Niko's face was being attacked by Aj's hair. He wasn't complaining though, since it smelt really nice. Niko grabbed his phone and checked the messages.

Beta Squad Shmucks

Do you guys wanna go out for game nite tmr
Basc Brielle wanted to go somewhere
W all of u lot too
Idk why
If ur down then ill lyk time and place to link

5 Unread messages

only if Aj's calm w it
can't see him agreeing tho ibr

Big fish
Yeah same but where would we be going
Like we're still in england right bc im too busy to go another country bro

Nigerian brother <3
Same bro I've got a fight in a few weeks so it can't be for more than a day

It seemed to Niko that they were more or less down with the idea. So he texted them back and then texted Brielle.

Aj's calm w it too he'll confirm dat later
he's asleep rn

Niko sent the group chat a picture of the sleeping Aj

I'll find out where we're going nd shit but dw its only for a day and in london

Niko texted Brielle


Hey love
Everyones down to go out today
You got smt in mind?

yesss i do
okay so basically i wanna go gokarting w u guys

It was actually a really nice idea. Niko genuinely believed that Brielle wanted to just do something boring. He'd forgotten his girlfriend was very adventurous.

then we could go out for lunch or smt

Ah. Here's where the issue lay. After their trip to Nando's, Niko realised how uncomfortable Aj was when eating in public. He didn't know if it was the best idea to go for lunch with all his friends, a bunch of fans who would spot him, and his best friend's girlfriend who makes it very clear she judges him.

Love the go karting idea baby
We might have to rethink lunch

why? wed all be hungry after

Ik ik jus please?

so wat happens when we go out and now we're all starving? we jus dont eat?

We'll see okay?

wat time shall we leave

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