part 27

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It was now day 3 since Aj had decided to ignore Niko's ass, but Niko had enough already. He would do anything just to get Aj to talk to him again. He couldn't go through with Aj not noticing him when he was clearly right there. It was as if Niko was a basic ghost.

Niko watched Aj walk down the stairs in the very next morning and quickly followed behind him.

"Morning." Niko said, leaning against the opening of the bathroom door that Aj had just gone inside of. Niko smiled, hopefully. Maybe Aj would finally drop the act.

But it proved useless. Aj grabbed his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. Niko hated being ignored. Especially by Aj. Niko walked towards Aj and sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for Aj to look at him.

"Aj?" Niko called out once more. "Aj please? We can talk about this." Aj laughed out at the sentence, remembering the time Aj had asked Niko to talk. Niko had managed to completely shrug off the topic and now Aj had to listen to him? No way.

"Oh so you can laugh at me but you won't talk? That isn't fair, Aje" Niko was practically begging.

Aj spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth out. He then splashed water on his face a few couple times before wiping off the water with a towel. Aj walked past Niko and out of the bathroom. The man then started to make his way into the kitchen, like a lost little puppy, Niko followed closely behind. Aj grabbed a glass from the cupboard and placed it down onto the counter. He then walked over to the fridge and got out some milk. Knowing that Niko was watching his every step made him feel oddly comfortable. He liked the feeling of someone being around, caring about him. Aj felt safe.

"Aj you can't do this forever." Niko stepped in front of Aj as the man tried to walk his way back to his glass. Aj stepped to the right. Niko stepped to the right. Aj stepped to the left. As you can guess, Niko stepped to the left. He had him now. There was no ignoring him now. "Look at me. Please!" Niko begged once more.

No matter how hard Aj tried to weave his way out of Niko's path, it was effortless. Maybe he should just stop now. There was clearly no ignoring a housemate, no matter how hard you would try. Aj sighed and walked back to the fridge, putting it back inside. Niko wondered whether Aj had given up and wanted to try and leave the kitchen. It didn't matter though, he'd stop that too. Aj started speeding up to Niko.

He was going to punch him. Brace yourself, Niko! Niko squeezed his eyes shut.

Aj grabbed the edges of Niko's collar and pulled the man down to his level. He jammed his lips into Niko's as harshly as he possibly could. Niko opened his eyes in shock. He then melted into the kiss, placing his hands on Aj's waist. He pulled the shorter man closer to his chest. It worked. Niko finally got Aj to stop ignoring him.

"I missed you so much." Niko told him as he pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm still pissed as fuck." Aj replied

Niko frowned slightly. "Hey, if this is what happens when you're mad I hope it happens more often." Niko tried to joke.

Aj just glared at Niko and pushed him to the edge of the counter. He then tiptoed up and kissed Niko once more with passion. His hands made their way up onto the back of Niko's neck. Niko had subconsciously gone and tangled his hands in Aj's hair. It was his go too resting place every time the two got close.

"This is so wrong." Aj stated. Niko thought that meant he was about to stop and ignore him again but he just crashed his lips back onto his own, not even giving Niko the chance to answer. Aj's tongue entered Niko's mouth and fought its own battle with Niko's tongue. Aj's heart fluttered. He knew he shouldn't let it. He knew that this shouldn't happen. But he didn't care.

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