part 35

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Chunkz Aj and Sharky sat on one sofa whilst Niko, George and Kenny sat opposite then. Niko's phone was placed in the middle of the table with Brielle's number dialled and on speaker. They needed to do something quick before it was way too late.

"Hey baby" Brielle said, innocently when she answered the phone.

Niko swallowed. "Hey Brie... um, listen. I know about the cameras" Niko decided to play it nice for now, otherwise nothing was stopping her from uploading them.

"Oh that's nice." Brielle said, unbothered.

Aj wanted to smash the phone because Brielle's voice was irritating him but he knew he couldn't.

"I need you to delete them all. Now." Niko said firmly.

"Oh but Nikolas, if I do that then there's no leverage over you."

"What do you need leverage for?" Niko asked.

"You cheated on me, Nikolas. With that thing you claim to be in love with. You deserve so much better than him. But you couldn't see that. So now I'm going to make you regret it."

Niko bit his tongue. "I'm sorry I cheated, Brielle. Okay? I'm seriously really sorry. You didn't deserve that. But listen, you don't have to do this."

"Oh I think I do. Otherwise you'll never learn your lesson"

"Brielle. Please."

"Did you just call me to beg or..?" Brielle asked.

"What do you want? I'll give you anything to delete those videos."

"Anything?" Brielle repeated, intrigued.

"Anything." Niko confirmed.

"I want Sharky." Brielle said, immediately.

Sharky's eyes widened. He was definitely scared but in his head he knew he would do whatever it took to help his friends. Kenny gripped his boyfriend's arm protectively. There is no way he was going to allow that to happen either. Sharky also wondered whether his friends would consider the offer. He would understand it if they did since this was their future on the line.

"Yeah wrong answer. Try again." Aj spoke up with no hesitation.

"Ugh why is he here?" Brielle said, disgusted.

"There's, honestly speaking, nothing in the world that would convince us to give you Sharky. Are you crazy?" Niko ignored the question.

Sharky smiled at his friends unwillingness to save themselves when it meant hurting him.

"But nothing else catches my interest." Brielle whined.

Sharky leaned forward and muted the phone. "Just do it." He said.

"Yeah shut the fuck up" Kenny said.

"If it was you in that situation wouldn't you do the same?!" Sharky asked.

Kenny paused. "Nobody is considering saying yes. So be a good boy and shut your mouth."

Sharky frowned "I just want to help."

"This is definitely not the way to help, idiot." Chunkz said.

Niko went back and unmuted the phone. "How about money?" He offered.

"Hm. How much are we talking?" Brielle asked.

"How much do you want?"

"What's the highest you're willing to go?"

"Just pick a damn number!" Aj shouted.

"How bout 7 million?"

"Lost your whole mind- lower!" Aj said. He knew that they could afford it but there was no way they were giving her 7 million.

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