part 25

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Niko walked into Aj's room that afternoon to tell him he was bringing up lunch since he didn't have an appetite for breakfast. Darkest and Niko tried to force Aj to eat in the morning, but it was clear that he was genuinely trying. Aj had taken a bite of his food, trying to 'be a man' about it, but his face went pale straight away and it looked like he would have thrown up if he continued. So, his friend's just decided to give him off. Breakfast was the one food that Aj just could not stomach, unless he hadn't eaten a thing the night before. And he had eaten a full bowl last night, which was more than enough to him. Aj not being in bed when he was told to be was expected. But Niko didn't expect the man to be standing on a chair, doing something to his light.

"Wh- what are you doing Aj?" Niko asked, slightly amused

"What does it look like? Changing the light bulb"

"In the dark?"

Aj waved around his phone with the flash on and smiled at the man at his door.

Niko sighed "Let me do it, Aje. You shouldn't even be out of bed"

Aj just scoffed, deciding not to answer


"No, Niko. I'm doing it."

"You could fall"

"You wouldn't have even know I changed it if you hadn't walked in."

"Or you could have passed out and started a fire with the hot lightbulb sitting on your desk. Idiot" Niko walked towards Aj's desk, with his own phone in hand used as a light and picked up the lightbulb.

"Niko." Aj stared at him "I have an eating disorder not iron deficiency." He smiled

Niko couldn't help but snicker at Aj's joke. He had no clue how the man was able to make such dark jokes and not feel anything. He guessed it was just Aj's coping mechanism.

"That is mental health" Niko laughed

Aj shrugged "Or a lack of" He smiled again

Niko tried his best not to laugh, but he just couldn't hold it in. "Aj, just get down, man."

"Please just let me do this. It's not fair, I've been in the hospital for 2 days because they insisted on going through more checks before letting me go, even though I felt completely fine." Aj started to rant "Then they tell me I should be on bedrest for a week just so that I get my energy back from not eating, so Chunkz, Kenny, Sharks and for some reason Darkest decide to move in for a few days to smother me as if you don't do that enough!" Aj told Niko as if he didn't already know what was happening.

"Then they finally leave but Darkest is still here, almost like he literally doesn't have a fucking wife he should be taking care of and you're acting like I am your wife!" Aj continued

Aj sighed. "And to top it all off, your girl has been sickeningly sweet every time she's been round."

"Okay, okay, I get it. You don't want to be doing nothing. But just get off the chair and like walk to the cinema room and back or something. Let me do the work." Niko walked over to Aj and stared up at him, hoping he'd listen.

Aj frowned.

"Please Aje? I just want to help you"

Aj placed his hands on both sides of Niko's face, rubbing his cheeks gently with his thumbs. "I know. And I'm sorry I never actually got the chance to say this but... thank you. For coming home for me. I honestly didn't expect you to do that"

Niko put his hands on Aj's upper waist and looked into his eyes. "Of course I'd come. I'd die for you Aj."

Aj blushed "Yeah, you'd die for all of us. You're sweet like that." Aj smiled

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