part 17

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The next morning Aj was packing up his clothes in a Tesco bag. He didn't want to leave Sharky, but if he wouldn't stop trying to parent him, then he just had to leave. Chunkz had done the same thing and Aj ended up punching him in the face. Aj hated it when people give him advice that he never asked for. Everyone just got up unnecessarily in his business when he'd very much rather be left alone to his own thoughts. Maybe he'd make a few mistakes but at least they were his own mistakes.

Niko was coming back in maybe 3 or 4 days and Aj was a mess. He'd been in crying in hysterics for days and he had to get over himself. His best friend was in a committed relationship and there was nothing that he could do to change that. Maybe if Aj had just kissed him. He shouldn't have taken Brielle's feelings into consideration whatsoever. I mean, the woman had even slapped him for a reason that wasn't good enough. Aj just needed to go home and think.

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, come" Aj replied.

Sharky walked in, holding a bowl. "Here's some cereal before you go." He took the bag from Aj's hand and handed him the cereal. Sharky then made his way onto the bed and sat down.

Aj stared at the bowl. He wasn't skinny enough yet. He had to quickly change the topic before Sharky wondered why he wasn't eating.

As if a miracle, Sharky had changed the topic for him. "So you're sure you wanna go?" He asked.

"Yeah. I need to learn how to be alone" It was a fair point, in Aj's opinion. What if one by one all his friends decided to leave him? Or what if Niko moved in with Brielle or something which would just end up forcing Aj to live alone anyways. Aj had to prepare for any possible outcome under the sun. Even if they were ridiculous now, who knows whether they would happen or not.


The lights were off, curtains were closed. It was getting dark outside and the mood was set. It was going to happen. There was no backing down now. Niko was absolutely terrified. He wasn't ready for this. Why was he doing this to himself? Part of him wanted to push Brielle away and tell her he can't do it, but the other part was telling him to be a man and suck it up. It isn't like it was such a big deal anyways. Niko should be happy he was finally getting what every man dreamed for. But why did it just feel like it was every man's dream except his?

Niko was laid down on the bed, Brielle sat with her knees on either side of Niko's waist. She kissed him passionately, clearly comfortable and very obviously oblivious of the fact that Niko was panicked. Niko had his arms around Brielle's neck and back. Niko didn't feel hard. He didn't even feel excited. He was way more nervous, if anything. There was literally still time to back out but something in Niko was telling him he shouldn't.

Brielle started to mumble things into Niko's ear. Honestly, Niko really wasn't all that focused on it. The sounds were pretty and hot, but they were clearly forced. The voices were coming from the back of her throat yet the tone was still low. And- well...

Aj did it better.

Niko shouldn't be thinking that.
No! Fuck. Aj is a man. You can't date a man.

It's wrong, I know. But the sounds that came out of him were just too pretty to ignore.

Niko was disgusted in himself. He was kissing his girlfriend, about to have sex with her, and the only thing he was thinking was how Aj was better than her. Why was his mind so constantly messed up?

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