part 16

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Aj woke up in the bathroom that night. He didn't realise he had been asleep for so long until Sharky shook him awake.

"Aj!" Sharky called out, worried

Aj jumped up. "Huh?!"

"Why the hell are you sleeping here?" Sharky bent down to Aj's level. He was very concerned about his friend.

"Uh... I wasn't feeling too well so I went to the bathroom to wash my face. And I didn't have much energy to go back inside so I just stayed here" It was a stupid excuse, but it was definitely good enough for Sharky to buy.

Sharky frowned. He offered his hand out to Aj, waiting for him to take it. Subconsciously, Aj took Sharky's hand and let him help him up. As he was pulling him up, Sharky made a sound of struggle to pick the man up. It wasn't because he found Aj heavy or anything it was just a sound that came out of him naturally. But, of course, Aj didn't realise that.

Sharky walked Aj back into his bedroom and put him in bed. "Listen, Aj. I'm worried about you."

Aj realised he couldn't stay here. Not with Sharky always mothering him. Its been almost four days since Niko had gone and being with a friend was definitely helping him. But the fact that Sharky always kept close eye on Aj wasn't good. He would end up figuring out that all the meals he's been given hadn't been eaten.

"Don't be. I'm fine."

Sharky sighed. "You're not fine. You're in love."

"So being in love means I'm not okay?" Aj didn't understand the correlation.

"No, it means life hurts. Because you think you can't have him. So you're so badly in pain you result to just sitting and crying until you pass out anywhere"

"That isn't why I was sat there." Aj tried to argue. And technically he was telling the truth because he was actually there out of tiredness.

"I don't care. You can't keep doing this to yourself"

"I'm not the one who asked him to leave, I don't know what you want me to do!"

"You need to get over yourself and tell him how you feel!" Sharky argued back.

"Oh yeah great idea. Tell the man in a relationship i'm in love with him."

"Isn't that better than just sitting in pain?"

"If that's your argument, then why haven't you told Kenny you like him more than just sexually?"

Sharky paused.

"It must be easier for you since you already know he's attracted to you. All you need to do is ask him out." Aj had made a good point.

Sharky saw that and looked away from Aj's eyes.

Aj sighed. "I want to go home."

"Huh?" The statement shocked Sharky

"Tomorrow morning. I'm going home."

"Wait, Aj, what?"

"It's not about you man. Thank you for letting me stay but I just can't live here."

"Niko's coming back in like 4 days, just relax a bit." Sharky started to panic. Aj couldn't leave, he'd end up dead.

"I'm going back home, Sharky."

"Then let me come with you."

"No, I want to be alone."

"You never want to be alone. I know you hate to admit that but I know-"

"I said I'm leaving Sharky!" Aj shouted, cutting Sharky off. He didn't want to be rude but Aj honestly didn't have any energy in him to be polite.

Sharky frowned. "Fine." He simply walked out the door and closed it, not saying another word to Aj.

It was only 7 PM but Aj was exhausted. He didn't know whether to sleep or to apologise to Sharky.

Eventually, Aj just thought Sharky'd get over it and he put his head down, trying to go to sleep.


"Why are you crying?!" Brielle was confused.

Niko quickly snapped out of his thoughts and wiped the tear from his face. "Nothing, nothing. Sorry, I was just in my own world for a second."

"Oh. You okay?" Brielle didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Niko lied.

"Good." Brielle smiled. She completely believed him. Niko then realised that Aj would've known something was off in an instant. Aj cared about him. Aj loved him. And he loved Aj. But not in that way. Loving a man like that was wrong.

Brielle kissed Niko's cheek. "Wanna keep going?"

"Keep going what?" Niko asked

"The make out. It was fun" Brielle couldn't tell one bit that that's what was making him uncomfortable.

If it were Aj he would've realised. But it wasn't Aj. It was Brielle. And he was Brielle's boyfriend.

"Oh. Yeah, okay." Niko didn't want to argue. He had no energy in him to argue. So he just leaned in and placed his lips onto his girlfriends, kissing her gently

There's something wrong with me. Was Niko's only thought. Why couldn't he feel anything in this kiss. There was no emotion, in his opinion. No passion or... love. He didn't love Brielle. But why?

Brielle pulled apart. "Niko?"

"Yeah?" Niko answered

"Can we have sex?"

The question was asked so casually, as if it was a normal day to day conversation. But the quesrion freaked Niko out so much he almost forgot how to breathe.

"Huh?" Was his only reply

"I know we've only been dating for a few weeks but... I want to take that step with you."

"Oh... uh." Niko thought. There was no way he should even consider having sex with her. But, then again, Niko came on this holiday to find out what he felt for the girl. Maybe this was the best way to do it?

"When?" Niko asked. It wasn't a yes to the question but he just needed more information.

"Well... right now? I know it's a bit forward but if you're down then..." Brielle was confident in her words, as if they had been rehearsed.

Niko swallowed. "You sure you want this?"


Niko bit his lip. What should he do? Not once did he think that he would be in this situation the whole trip. Sex. Niko didn't want to have sex with her. He didn't want to have sex at all. Not yet.

Niko took a breath in. "Let's do it."

1048 WORDS

short very short ikik ITS BUILDING UP

sorry bout the cliffhanger 😪

idek when the next update will be hope it's soon but i'm not sure tbh


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