part 12

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The whole day had been intense for Niko. Aj was completely ignoring their argument yesterday and had just expected Niko to move on from it too. Niko tried his best to forget about it for the day and just enjoy the time that he had left with Aj until he went on holiday. He also told the shorter man that their friends were coming over at 6 but even then he didn't even think to just talk about the issue before they came over. Its like it never happened to in his mind, and that annoyed Niko because Niko really really cared.

The whole day had been scary for Aj. Niko seemed like he wanted to talk to him about yesterday but he just couldn't bring himself to. What if he accidentally spilled the real reason why he hated Brielle? Because he actually wanted to date Niko himself. Niko would hate him for life. But, at the same time, something in Aj also wanted to just tell Niko and get it over with. It didn't matter whether he hated him or not, at least it was out. But he couldn't. He needed to have self restraint. He just couldn't live with his best friend hating him.

The clock hit 6 when the doorbell rang. It was Sharky and Kenny. Niko was actually quite surprised that Kenny had gotten his partner out the door and on time for once. Then again, they were over for a reason where it probably wasn't the best time to be late.

Once the door was open, Kenny threw his arms around Niko. "I can't believe you listened to my idea." Niko patted his back as Kenny patted his.

"Course I did. You're smart when you wanna be" Niko told him.

Kenny let go of the taller man and Sharky decided it was his turn to hug Niko. "Aj's gonna be unbearable without you, you know" Sharky laughed.

"Yeah, I know." Niko smiled

Niko let the two boys wonder as normal and went off to find Aj to tell him to come say hi. As he was looking for him, the doorbell rang once more.

"Sharks could you get that?!" Niko shouted from upstairs. "It's probably Chunkz!"

"Okay!" Sharky shouted back.

Aj had then popped up from his room and into the hallway. "Remind me why they're here again" He wasn't complaining, Aj loved his friends. But at the same time he also loved his quiet but there had just been so much going on recently, the man didn't have much time to himself.

Niko just shrugged and told his housemate to come downstairs.

Chunkz immediately grabbed Niko and pulled him in a hug. "Listen, brother. All I wanna say is I ain't stupid. Yeah?" Chunkz whispered in the mans ear.

There was that confusion again. Niko had literally not a single clue what the hell Chunkz knew and exactly how he knew it. It had come from nowhere! Niko just smiled as if nothing was said.

The five sat in the living room and talked about anything and everything until about 7:30. It was crazy how they never ran out of things to talk about and there was never a single awkward moment of silence between them. Just then, Aj got up to get himself a glass of water.

Niko breathed in. This was his chance.

"Good luck brother" Chunkz said, rather suspiciously. Then again, a lot of the stuff that the man had been doing recently has been suspicious.

Niko's heart was racing. He had to tell the person that he really liked that he was leaving him alone for a week. And he knew for a fact Aj was going to assume it was because of him. Well, it was, but not because Aj spat on him.

"Hey Aje?" Niko walked into the kitchen. Aj just looked at him "Can we talk in private?"

"You know, I'm actually busy..." Aj started up "I'm, uh-" He tried to think up an excuse.

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