part 29 (smut)

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Niko storms into the living room and sits down on the sofa, folding his arms and sighing out.

"What happened to you?" Aj asked, having watched the whole thing.


Aj rolled his eyes. He sat himself closer to Niko and kissed his cheek. "Can't be nothing when you're acting like this." Aj smiled.

"Nothing, Aj. I don't wanna talk about it."

Aj frowned. He then remembered that Niko was upstairs and on the phone to Brielle. She had been in Switzerland for about a week now and Aj was having the time of his life without her. But seeing Niko look like this after a conversation with Brielle started to make sense to him now.

"Awh..." Aj stroked Niko's cheek lightly, clearly teasing. He then leaned forward, closer to Niko's left ear and whispered, rather seductively "Trouble in paradise?" He then breathed out into Niko's ear.

"Not now, Aj. I'm not in the mood." Niko wouldn't budge.

"That's too bad..." Aj continued to whisper. He then made his way on top of Niko's lap and stared the man in the face. "Because I could make you feel so good right now." Aj then placed a light and gentle kiss on Niko's lips.

Niko stared at Aj's lips. Then at Aj. "Not today, Aj."

"You sure?" Aj brought his lips closer to Niko's but wouldn't kiss him. Niko leaned away slightly, not wanting to give in to him. Aj tilted his head. Niko couldn't take the teasing and kissed him, wanting to pull apart quickly but Aj had pushed back harder. Seconds later he pulled away, but the sound Aj had made pulling their lips apart gave Niko intense butterflies.

"Why don't you just give me your love?" Aj asked

Niko rolled his eyes. "You already have it."

"Not all of it." Aj whispered. "Break up with her." Aj urged. "You'll have me."

"Could you just leave me alone for a bit?" Niko asked

"I could..." Aj slowly started to grind his lower waist against Niko's. Niko tried to steady his breathing, not wanting to make a sound. Aj then brushed his finger along Niko's lips. "But we could have so much more fun together."

Aj started to kiss down Niko's neck and made his way to his collarbone. Aj pulled down some of the taller man's shirt, exposing his right shoulder. Aj leaned in and started to kiss his shoulder. He then started to suck. The man internally smirked before he started to gently bite the area, knowing Niko would enjoy it. As expected, Niko had already started to groan out at the act of affection. Aj sunk his teeth in a little harder, in an attempt to leave a mark on his lover's skin.

Aj could tell Niko didn't want to give in just yet as his hands were still by his side, gripping the sofa. Aj took one of the man's hands and placed it in his own hair, knowing what Niko would do with it. Almost immediately, Niko started to tug against Aj's pretty curls. Which just caused Aj to bite down harder. Just as Aj felt Niko start to slightly bleed, he let go. The man then started to lick against the bite and placed one last kiss on it before trying to get up.

"But if you're not comfortable then..." Aj purposely moved himself against Niko as he was getting up.

But Niko grabbed his arm before he could move. "Stop it." He said, annoyed at Aj's teasing.

Aj smiled and leaned forward, hovering right in front Niko's lips once more. But before Niko could get the chance to kiss him, Aj completely moved away and had gotten up from Niko's lap. He stood up and started to walk away. "I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to." Aj smirked

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