part 26

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Aj had gone to sleep that night flustered and angry. He was angry with himself for kissing Niko when he was in a relationship but he was also mad at Niko for initiating it. He decided the best thing that he could do was show his annoyance by just ignoring Niko. The man went to sleep. The remembrance of the kisses that they just shared in this very room was running through his mind. Ignoring Niko was going to be a difficult task.


Aj had woken up in the middle of the night, thirsty. He looked to his bedside table but there wasn't a water bottle in sight. Ugh. He'd drank it all last night. Aj grabbed his phone and checked the time. '2:14AM'. Aj sighed and reluctantly got out of bed. He quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. When he opened the light, the man gasped out loud.

"Fuck you scared me." Aj told the man sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Sorry" Darkest laughed. "I got thirsty."

Aj sighed. "Yeah, me too. Why didn't you turn the light on?"

Darkest shrugged. "I like a little mission"

Aj rolled his eyes "What the mission to the sink? Or to turning the tap on?"


Aj grabbed his glass of water and sat down on the floor.

"You guys do own chairs, you know." Darkest said.

"Darkest, how is it that even when half asleep, you still manage to annoy the shit out of me?"

Darkest laughed. "Sorry."

The two men drank their water in silence. Aj then got up and placed his glass on the counter.

"Night." Aj said, trying to walk away.

"Wait." Darkest called out. "Were you not going to tell me you kissed Niko?" He asked, sadly.

"How did you know?" Aj asked, almost unbothered. He wasn't surprised that Darkest knew, given the noise that they were making.

"Came to your room to see what was taking Niko so long and all I heard was making out sounds." Darkest laughed

"Oh. Sorry for not telling you." Aj said

"Are you alright? You don't seem yourself?

"Fine." Aj said, trying to leave.



"Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

Darkest jumped off the table and walked over to his little friend. "You can talk to me."

Aj sighed. "He has a girlfriend, Darkest. I'm sure that says enough."

"Right." Darkest said. "Sorry about that." Darkest frowned.

"Its fine. Goodnight." Aj said and walked away, closing the kitchen light. Leaving Darkest alone in the dark.

"That's alright!" Darkest called out, quietly "I didn't need the light anyway!"


Niko woke up the next morning, pretty excited to talk to Aj after yesterday's interaction. So when he had hopped out of bed and brushed his teeth really good, he'd washed his face extra hard and made his way into the living room where he knew Aj would be, what he didn't expect was to be completely and utterly ignored.

"Goodmorning Aje." Niko smiled.

But Aj hadn't looked up from his phone.

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