part 20

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Kenny, Sharky and Chunkz walked into the hospital room. And there sat Aj, staring at his food in clear thought. He heard the footsteps and looked towards the door. Aj smiled. He couldn't believe his friends had come to see him. He'd hurt Sharky's feelings and punched Chunkz. But they were still here. Does that mean Niko still cares about Aj?

"Aj..." Sharky said, trying not to cry again.

"Hi" Aj smiled, guiltily. He couldn't imagine what he put Sharky through, after him saying he shouldn't go back home.

Sharky was stuck in a motion of going to hug his friend or giving him his space because he doesn't like physical touch.

"I know that-" Sharky started to walk towards the shorter man in the bed. "You don't like touch but, Aj, you're just gonna have to deal with it." Sharky got to his knees and hugged his best friend tight, gripping his back. He tried his hardest not to cry.

Aj smiled, tapping Sharky's back, waiting for the hug to be over. But when it was clear that it wasn't going to be done anytime soon, he brought his second arm around Sharky's neck and hugged him back.

"Sorry for worrying you bro."

"S'okay..." Sharky said in a tearful voice.

"Aight brother, leave some Aj for the rest of us" Chunkz said walking up to Sharky and tapping his shoulder.

Sharky reluctantly got up from Aj's embrace and looked at him.

"Oh my God, he's crying." Aj looked away, smiling sadly.

"Aight, you?" Chunkz poked Sharky's chest. "Go hug your boyfriend." He said and pushed Sharky backwards.

Sharky just went to stand next to Kenny, gripping his arm tight as they watched Chunkz hug his friend.

"Brother, you know you're genuinely the king of not doing what you're told." Chunkz told him and let go of the hug.

"Sorry" Aj laughed.

It was Kenny's turn to hug the shorter man and so he bent down and gave him a short hug, knowing he probably didn't want any longer.

"You scared the shit out of all of us." Kenny told him

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

"How did this even happen?" Kenny asked

"Yeah actually what happened?" Chunkz and Sharky walk to the bed he was sitting in, both grabbing chairs beside it.

"I was just a bit tired..."

"A bit tired?" Sharky looked around the room before lowering his voice. "Aj, I went into Niko's room and saw throw up and blood. So 'bit tired' is bullshit."

"I miss him so much..." Was Aj's only answer.

"We know man. But you have to eat." Chunkz said sadly. He knew what Aj was going through all too well. It starts with family telling you you're too fat or you gained so much weight. You end up thinking 'well if you're going to tell me I'm fat I might as well eat some more anyway.' You end up hating your body and starve yourself, force yourself to throw up just to fit their standards. It got worse for Chunkz once he went famous. Everyone told him he wouldn't be successful for very long with a body like his own. So he lost weight but the insecurity was still there. And it always will be.

Aj shook his head. "I need to hear Niko."

"Niko isn't here." Kenny didn't know whether to tell Aj that Niko was coming or not.

"When was the last time you ate?" Sharky asked. Aj simply shook his head once more. It was clear he wasn't going to say a word more about this until Niko got here.

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