part 43

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Niko didn't think it possible for Aj to be dead. There was still something inside of that told him there could be a last minute miracle. That Aj would start to breathe once more, or a heartbeat was found. But all that faded once each man left the hospital. It all faded when 2 days later there was still no change. It mainly sunk in deep for Niko when the four remaining members of the Beta Squad were driving off to find a hall to hold the...

Niko was sat in the corner of a large, empty, funeral hall, curled up and crying his eyes out. He hadn't been able to stop ever since Aj went away. Chunkz on the other hand, was sat in another corner of the hall just staring into space. He hadn't shed a single tear since his friends death. He was fine. Not everything could go his way. There was no need to cry about it. Kenny was stressed out, trying to make sure nothing went wrong with the funeral. He decided it was better to occupy his mind than to think about his dead best friend. Sharky was beside his every step, trying to calm him down.

"Kenny wait!" Sharky finally stood in front of his boyfriend, with tears in his eyes. "You need to relax!" Sharky frowned.

"I can't relax! This is our best friend's funeral there's no relaxing!" Kenny moved Sharky out the way.

"But Kenny, all you've done since he... left is work! You need to give yourself a break!" Sharky paced behind him.

"At least I'm doing something to keep myself from thinking about it!"

"Just give yourself time to grieve, Ken!" Sharky held back his arm to stop his movement once more.

"That's what the funeral is for."

"You shouldn't even be doing this. It isn't your job!"

"He would've wanted a friend to do it. Not some complete stranger."

"I get that but look at you! You're a mess, Ken."

Kenny laughed "If I'm a mess, what's Niko?" He pointed at his other friend.

"At least the way he's going about it is healthy! You've banged holes into your walls Kenny! Have you seen the state of your house?!" Sharky frowned.

"Least I'm letting it out some way. Chunkz doesn't even want to admit he's hurt."

"I know. But let me at least help you for now."

"I don't need help. I need to finish this." Kenny started to walk once more.

Sharky frowned. "But Kenny-"

Kenny turned around and grabbed Sharky by the shoulders and shook him harshly "Who else is going to do this Sharky?! Hm?! Niko? He's too heart broken to even think about planning! Chunkz is way too empty to do anything! Have you seen the state of him?! The man's practically emotionless! And there is no way in hell I'd even consider letting you do this!"

Sharky let Kenny shake him. It probably wasn't the right way to do it either, but at least Kenny was letting his emotions out.

Tears started falling from Kenny's eyes. "I have to do this. Me. So please leave me alone."

Sharky pushed himself forward and pulled Kenny into a tight hug, throwing his arms around his neck. "You shouldn't have to do this on your own." Sharky said with tears in his eyes. "Let me help you, baby." He said the last bit in his a whisper.

"Want to help me?" Kenny asked.

"More than anything."

"Go talk to Chunkz. He needs to feel something. No matter how badly it'll hurt him."

Sharky sighed, pulling away from the hug. "Okay... but what about Niko?"

Kenny stared at his other friend who was still sobbing violently, alone. "Leave him. What he needs right now is to let it all out. He blames himself for Aj's... and I don't think there's anything we can do to change that."

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