part 36

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Aj was sat in his bedroom, feeling really uncomfortable knowing there are cameras hidden in his room. His room was meant to be his safe place, but his stomach ached now that he was sat in it, even when doing nothing.

Aj was waiting for Niko to come back home. He was more than hurt by what Niko said but he decided to forgive him since he must've been too stressed to even realise what he said.

A couple minutes later there was finally a knock on his door. "Niko?" He asked

"Yeah." Niko replied.

"Come in."

"Hey..." Niko said without looking at Aj. He then walked over to a shelf on Aj's desk. He moved aside some of the figurines sitting there and picked up a small black camera. Brielle had given him a list of all the cameras in the house.

"So she deleted the videos?!" Aj asked, excited.

"Mhm." Niko crushed the camera with his fingers.

"And you're sure?" Aj insisted.

"Watched her do it myself."

Aj smiled. "We're free?"

Niko turned to face Aj. He stared at him with this look that Aj couldn't work out. He then walked over to his door. He turned around to face Aj once more.

"You're free." Niko corrected, and started to walk out the room.

Aj stared at Niko, confused and worried. Now that he was looking, Niko didn't look too good.

"Wait!" Aj called out

Niko stopped and turned around, not saying a word.

"Are you okay?" Aj genuinely wanted to know.

"Yep. Going to bed, I'm tired." Niko replied in a low monotone voice which just scared Aj further because that isn't how he usually spoke. Especially not to him.

"But it's the middle of the day?"

"I know."

"Nik, what's wrong?" Aj sat up properly.


"I seriously can't sit here and watch you lie to me like that! Tell me what's wrong!" Aj frowned.

"I'm going to be asleep for a while. Don't wait for me." Niko said and turned around to leave.

"Wanna sleep here?" Aj asked, hopefully.

"Definitely not."

Niko left the room and shut the door leaving Aj stunned. There was something that Niko was hiding because there was no way he'd be so rude for no reason. Aj wondered whether he should go and check on him or give him his privacy. He picked up his phone and started to scroll on TikTok to try and respect his wishes but 10 minutes in, he just couldn't take it.

Aj got out of bed and marched over to Niko's room. He knocked on the door but there was no reply.

"Niko can I come in please?" Aj called out.

He knocked a bit harsher, hoping Niko would reply but still nothing. "Niko!" Aj called.

Aj sighed and just opened the door. He wanted to badly to respect Niko's wishes but he couldn't watch him so sad.

"I told you to leave me alone..." Niko whispered.

Niko's room was pitch dark as the curtains were closed and the lights were off.

"I can't when you're clearly upset." Aj pulled up a chair and sat in front of Niko's bed. Niko was facing the wall, away from Aj.

Niko didn't reply to the statement.

"Niko?" Aj asked.

"Hm?" Niko hummed in reply.

"What did she do to you?" Aj understood that this must have been Brielle's doing.


"Nothing I didn't agree too." Niko mumbled.

"What?!" Niko's answer worried Aj a lot more.

A tear rolled down Niko's face. "I's fine."

"Niko what did she do?!"

Niko was heard laughing. "More like what did I do."

Aj's eyes were wide open. He really hoped that Niko wasn't insinuating what he thought he was. "Nik... did you... did she..."

Niko wouldn't help Aj finish his sentence.

"Did you have sex with her?" Aj finally got the question out.

There was a pause of silence.

"Yeah." Was Niko's reluctant reply.

"Fuck." Aj didn't have a clue what to do here. Niko was clearly in pain and he didn't have a way to help him. Why couldn't he help him?!

"Did you... want to?" Aj knew it was a stupid question.

"Yep." It was a clear lie.

"Are you sure?" Aj insisted.

Another short pause.


"Oh Nik..." Aj frowned. It had just dawned on him what Niko actually has to go through to keep their secret safe.

"I's okay. S'long as you're safe I'm fine." Niko said.

Aj wondered if part of Niko hated him. He wouldn't stop being nice to him, so what if he was trying to convince himself that he still loved him?

"Do you want a hug?" Aj offered.

"No thanks." Niko never refused a hug from Aj. Aj's eyes started to well up.

"Oh. Okay. Is there anything I can do?"

"Leave." Niko was blunt.

Tears started to fall from Aj's eyes. "Okay." Aj tried to smile. He slowly walked over to the door, as if wishing for Niko to change his mind half way.

"I love you, Nik." The statement was almost said as if it were a question. Like if he was allowed to love Niko or not.

Aj stood and waited patiently for a reply back from Niko. There had to be one. Right? Niko wouldn't do that. Would he? The longer Aj stood the more the tears fell. He soon realised that he wasn't about to get an answer anytime soon and just left, closing the door gently.

When Aj left the room, he dropped to the ground. It's like his whole world was coming crashing down. The videos hadn't even been released but it was as if this was a far worse punishment. His best friend and lover didn't want anything to do with him. Aj was shaking on the floor, craving any kind of attention. Niko's attention.

As soon as Aj left, Niko hugged his pillow tight, sobbing hysterically into it. He didn't want to admit his badly it hurt because he was a man. All of it hurt. Ignoring Aj, crushing Aj's heart. Having to still be with Brielle, having sex with her.

Niko wanted to tell Aj he loved him back so badly but he couldn't. He couldn't, he just couldn't.

Because Niko was told that if he didn't break Aj's heart then...

The videos would get uploaded.

1054 WORDS

short :(

yk brielle pisses me off sm i hate writing her and idk why i torture myself by doing it


shits getting more intense 👀



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